Victoria Beckham is a fan of Louis Vuitton's Spicy shoe

Victoria Beckham is a fan of Louis Vuitton's Spicy shoe

There are some shoes which just cause a craze, and then there are those which cause a sensation. And who is at the forefront of this new craze? Why, Victoria Beckham of course.

She has been championing Louis Vuitton's new homemade Spicy shoe, which retail at an astonishing £2,040 a pair! Yes, really, there are shoes out there which cost that much.

They're pretty bizarre looking too, what with their snakeskin covering, accessorised with feathers, laces and jewels, but maybe that is their appeal, and as is generally true with celebrity crazes, the more outlandish the better.

Despite Victoria Beckham being papped in them recently, she is not the first to wear them, as Heidi Klum debuted hers back in December. Come on Posh, first it was that Alexander McQueen dress and now you're second best with Louis Vuitton too!

Spicy also caused a sensation at Paris recently, as our very own Brit girl, Alexa Chung was reportedly nearly knocked off her seat, as the paps tried to get a picture of her fab new shoes.

Fashion icon Chloe Sevigny was pictured wearing hers at the New Year, while Madonna got to parade around in hers for the Louis Vuitton campaign earlier this year.

Louis Vuitton's Spicy Shoe- Love or Loathe?

So why are they so popular? "I think it's popular because it's such a great shoe - it's really fun and jolly, and is a proper work of art," says Katie Grand, editor of Love magazine and stylist for Louis Vuitton.

"Its birth was at about three in the morning, with Marc [Jacobs] cutting up bits of snake, leather, leopard and ribbon, and the design team making masks to put on the front. Nearly every pair in the show was unique, which I think people also like," reports the Daily Mail.

They are unusual, granted and they are pretty funky too, but at over £2,000 a pop we'll just have to admire from afar we fear, unless some clever high-street copies start appearing soon that is...