Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

We all know that Lady GaGa loves her fashion but what does she love more than that? Talking about how much she loves fashion!

This time the singer has revealed that her outrageous style is a result of been suppressed in her schooldays. GaGa told how she loved to experiment with her clothes when she was younger but after been teased by fellow school kids she felt like she couldn't express herself.

She said: "When I was at high school, I had to wear a uniform but I always bent the rules, by pulling my skirt up or shirt down and was told I was being too provocative.

"When we had off-days where we didn't have to wear uniforms, I used to wear my outfits and I would really get made fun of. It lost me my self-confidence and I suppressed myself for a while."

GaGa added that her mum also has an eye for style and would help her pick out her crazy clothing. She said: "My mom helped me express myself and she'd come home with items such as Spandex, air brush T-shirts, bright coloured visors and all things other people wouldn't wear."

Maybe she's hoping to get those outrageous 3D dresses when you're done with them GaGa!

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