Gossip Girl's Blair in Chuck In Real Life

Gossip Girl's Blair in Chuck In Real Life

Gossip Girl went all Cruel Intentions on us last night, but thankfully they spared us the creepy brother-sister incest storyline, instead focusing on our favourite bad boy Chuck.

This episode was all about him and his gayer than gay wardrobe- no I'm kidding! it was more about him coming to terms with his new family, seducing Vanessa and rejecting Blair; yes really.

Chuck in Real Life opened with the Van Der Woodsen-Bass clan having a nice family breakfast, which gave us the prefect opportunity to marvel over Serena's school uniform, which arguably looked like a hooker had picked it out.

She gets some major style points for the glitzy cardigan and chunky necklace however, which did help her to look a little less slutty, for the time being at least.

Serena does in fact get some of the best outfits in this episode, although none can seem to match Ms. Waldorf and her fashion charms, as her sense of style finally returned this week.

Screaming at some poor soul for wearing tights as trousers, we loved her bow shirt, navy pencil skirt and twisted headband; Queen Blair is back on her perch and clearly couldn't be happier.

Too bad that Vanessa (remember her?!) showed up to blackmail our Blair over Lord Marcus' affair with his stepmother, Katherine. It's not that we dislike Vanessa as such, it's just she doesn't seem to have much of a function at the minute.

And her dress sense can be absolutely horrendous at times, like last night for example- her bin liner jacket, chunky chain necklace and terrible hoop earrings just made our eyes hurt, and to think she was cosying up to Chuck, the savviest dresser on the show...wonders will never cease.

Anyway, back to our main man and to put it bluntly, he was feeling pretty down this week having lost his best buddy to Dan Humprey. Yep, Nate had abandoned Chuck to bond with lonely boy instead, leaving Chuck to feel resentful over their 'bromance' LOL.

We quite like this little plot twist, because it actually allowed Dan to be a little humorous and less neurotic, which god knows he could do with. He even ditched the brown cardigan for the week and, wait for it, adopted a sports bag and sweat pants- OMG!

In addition to his startling wardrobe overhaul, he also managed to speak 'street' on the phone to Nate, after inviting him to play football, he ended the conversation with "sweet bro, sweet." Oh God. Dan Humprey has deflected to the dark side...

Nate on the other hand couldn't of been more bland if he had tried. Poor little rich boy, except he's not longer rich and is squatting in his former house, sad doesn't even begin to cover it and I don't mean in the shedding tears kind of way.

His wardrobe remained the same yet again, although he did appear to be trying out a new hoodie, which for him is progress. He constantly looks like he's about to go for a run- seriously Nate have you heard of jeans?!

Chuck had no such problem with his wardrobe, going all out this week with the neck ties, checked pants and waistcoats to impress both Blair and Vanessa. Heading out for a house call in the middle of the night, we soon learned he was off to visit his Queen, who surprised him with a startling proposition.

Never has B looked more evil in her brown camisole and pearl necklace, which we can only assume was meant to be her version of Pyjamas. Oh, those Upper East Side scamps!

So, here's where the bet takes place and Blair asks Chuck to take Vanessa down, by seducing and then humiliating her. Now, at this point it was a little creepy in my eyes, and a little too evil for both parties, but hey this is Gossip Girl- anything can happen.

Serena, meanwhile decided to defy her curfew and party on a school night, leaving Bart speechless when she exited the apartment in a tiny orange dress and apparently no knickers.

She really does look like a supermodel every time she gets those eerily long pins out, and last night they were out a lot. Unfortunately if we're expected to believe Serena is only 17, they really need to tone down some of her outfits!

Vanessa seems to have the opposite problem with her dress sense, but there is only so much 'I don't care about fashion, I'm making a statement' clothing that we can handle each week.

But it was the surprise pairing of V with Chuck this week, that made her more interesting to observe. As part of Chuck's deal with Blair he was to restore a broken down old bar to help Vanessa out and then seduce her somehow.

One problem, both parties despise each other and Chuck rightly got a soft drink thrown over him by protestors, when he tried to explain his false intentions.

Retreating to Blair he decided that enough was enough, only for Blair to basically pimp herself out to him in return for his help. This was a little out of character in our view from B, but she does get major style points for the gorgeous silk cami and shorts she used to seduce Chuck.

While all this drama is going on, poor Dan has realised Nate is broke and is trying to convince him to stay with the Humprey clan. Anyone notice how small Jenny's part was this week, and did she look a little more glammed up than usual? Humm, just a thought.

Back to Chuck, who had returned to the bar with a more receptive Vanessa, only to get uncomfortably hugged by a big black man and provide one of the funniest moments of the episode.

As he left the bar, there was something in Chuck's eyes which suggested he was feeling a tad guilty about hurting Vanessa and letting people down, could Chuck Bass have a softer side?

We'll find out in due course, as the action moved to the Van Der Woodsen-Bass house party and Blair was going all out to impress in a dress that Chuck had given her last year.

He really does have terrific taste, as B looked stunning in the red crocheted number with black beaded strap detail, and of course a matching headband. Chuck even matched her in a red velvet smoking jacket and cravat; could these two be anymore alike?

Too bad that Vanessa showed up to steal B's thunder and possibly steal Chuck's heart in the process. Well, she isn't going to do it by wearing a horrendous strapless floral dress and hooped earrings, that's for sure.

Does Vanessa fall for Chuck?

Oh, and when Blair then goes on to tell her all about the bet and how she means nothing to Chuck, that pretty much seals the deal and Vanessa leaves crushed.

While this little drama was going on, Serena decided to speak the truth about her mum's parenting, even going as far as to mention to a National magazine that her former boyfriend was a coke head. Nice.

Despite her little outburst, we adored her purple tuxedo jacket and skirt she wore for the party, as despite being low cut and very short, Serena finally managed to look a little bit classy. Woo, progress!

Back to the endless saga between Chuck and Blair, and he was now being offered everything on a plate, quite literally. Sexing it up to the max, Blair was sprawled out on the bed in a red bra, knickers and stockings... would Chuck be able to resist, and why would he want to?

Well, it turns out he's had his moral conscience pricked and has had enough of playing around with Blair. The result? erm, kissing her sensless, getting her really revved up and then demanding that she tells him she loves him, you know as you do.

Can she say it? Nope, and Chuck leaves, upping the ante by telling her it's her turn to chase him. Blair accepts defeat for now, but something tells us this game isn't nearly over.

So, where does that leave us for next week? Well, let's just say that Jenny takes centre stage in this episode, and you may well struggle to recognise her.

Also the new Humprey lodger could be causing some trouble, when he falls for an unlikely lady, while Serena becomes enamoured with an attractive artist.

The big news next week though involves Blair trying to seduce Chuck. Will she succeed or will something different altogether be revealed between the two? Check in next week for another fashion rundown with Pret-A-Poor-J.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

Gossip Girl went all Cruel Intentions on us last night, but thankfully they spared us the creepy brother-sister incest storyline, instead focusing on our favourite bad boy Chuck.

This episode was all about him and his gayer than gay wardrobe- no I'm kidding! it was more about him coming to terms with his new family, seducing Vanessa and rejecting Blair; yes really.

Chuck in Real Life opened with the Van Der Woodsen-Bass clan having a nice family breakfast, which gave us the prefect opportunity to marvel over Serena's school uniform, which arguably looked like a hooker had picked it out.

She gets some major style points for the glitzy cardigan and chunky necklace however, which did help her to look a little less slutty, for the time being at least.

Serena does in fact get some of the best outfits in this episode, although none can seem to match Ms. Waldorf and her fashion charms, as her sense of style finally returned this week.

Screaming at some poor soul for wearing tights as trousers, we loved her bow shirt, navy pencil skirt and twisted headband; Queen Blair is back on her perch and clearly couldn't be happier.

Too bad that Vanessa (remember her?!) showed up to blackmail our Blair over Lord Marcus' affair with his stepmother, Katherine. It's not that we dislike Vanessa as such, it's just she doesn't seem to have much of a function at the minute.

And her dress sense can be absolutely horrendous at times, like last night for example- her bin liner jacket, chunky chain necklace and terrible hoop earrings just made our eyes hurt, and to think she was cosying up to Chuck, the savviest dresser on the show...wonders will never cease.

Anyway, back to our main man and to put it bluntly, he was feeling pretty down this week having lost his best buddy to Dan Humprey. Yep, Nate had abandoned Chuck to bond with lonely boy instead, leaving Chuck to feel resentful over their 'bromance' LOL.

We quite like this little plot twist, because it actually allowed Dan to be a little humorous and less neurotic, which god knows he could do with. He even ditched the brown cardigan for the week and, wait for it, adopted a sports bag and sweat pants- OMG!

In addition to his startling wardrobe overhaul, he also managed to speak 'street' on the phone to Nate, after inviting him to play football, he ended the conversation with "sweet bro, sweet." Oh God. Dan Humprey has deflected to the dark side...

Nate on the other hand couldn't of been more bland if he had tried. Poor little rich boy, except he's not longer rich and is squatting in his former house, sad doesn't even begin to cover it and I don't mean in the shedding tears kind of way.

His wardrobe remained the same yet again, although he did appear to be trying out a new hoodie, which for him is progress. He constantly looks like he's about to go for a run- seriously Nate have you heard of jeans?!

Chuck had no such problem with his wardrobe, going all out this week with the neck ties, checked pants and waistcoats to impress both Blair and Vanessa. Heading out for a house call in the middle of the night, we soon learned he was off to visit his Queen, who surprised him with a startling proposition.

Never has B looked more evil in her brown camisole and pearl necklace, which we can only assume was meant to be her version of Pyjamas. Oh, those Upper East Side scamps!

So, here's where the bet takes place and Blair asks Chuck to take Vanessa down, by seducing and then humiliating her. Now, at this point it was a little creepy in my eyes, and a little too evil for both parties, but hey this is Gossip Girl- anything can happen.

Serena, meanwhile decided to defy her curfew and party on a school night, leaving Bart speechless when she exited the apartment in a tiny orange dress and apparently no knickers.

She really does look like a supermodel every time she gets those eerily long pins out, and last night they were out a lot. Unfortunately if we're expected to believe Serena is only 17, they really need to tone down some of her outfits!

Vanessa seems to have the opposite problem with her dress sense, but there is only so much 'I don't care about fashion, I'm making a statement' clothing that we can handle each week.