Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

After you've had your life, love and fortune forecasted for the year ahead, we thought it was high-time to make some fashion predictions of our own, using our favourite celebrities as prime examples.

Aquarians tend to be honest and loyal, who find out what they like and stick to it. This can be true of someone's personality or indeed their fashion sense too.

Take Jennifer Aniston for example, she has championed the same look for years and is loyal to her own style. She isn't easily seduced by new fashion trends or hairstyles, preferring to stick with her winning formula.

Holly Willoughby too has a warmth about her that comes form being loyal and true to herself. She may get in trouble for flaunting her curves and fabulous cleavage, but that's Holly's style and she's not shy about being open about it.

Aquarians are also often described as friendly and humanitarian, which is great seeing as this recession is really starting to impact on our wardrobe and lack of new clothing purchases.

By giving to charity and shopping at charity shops, you can fulfil your star sign qualities, while saving money and bagging some funky bargains in the process.

Being original and inventive are also associated with Aquarians, and this is certainly true of Paris Hilton and her style, or there lack of.

Always making the headlines for her unusual outfits, Paris has been spotted looking more chic and polished of late, once again making a style change which no-one fully understands.

Seeing as Aquarians are referred to at times as being a walking contradiction, we'd say this best sums up the not-so-stylish Ms. Hilton. Playing up to the dumb blonde act won't work for long and Paris is starting to find this out, hence the quick change of fashion persona.

This is also true in life, as we all have a tendency to be unpredictable at times, in addition to contradicting ourselves in our daily lives.

For example saying you don't approve of fur being used in fashion, but then wearing furry boots to keep warm can be seen as though you don't know your own mind.

Being unpredictable is not necessarily a bad thing however, as following the fashion trends to a tee and not putting your on spin on things can be a tad boring.

Rihanna loves to wow the fashion pack with her unusual outfits and flesh-baring fashion choices and you too shouldn't be afraid to let loose once in a while and experiment with new looks.

Leather corsets and so on may only work for some, granted, but the idea behind challenging the fashion norms and contradicting them is something Aquarians are famous for, so give it a go this month!

Check next month to see what fashionable horoscopes we've come up with for you Pisces lot...

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry