Permanent Marker Pen

Permanent Marker Pen

Fashions are very fickle and very changeable what's in this season is consigned to the charity shop next season, but some fashion statements leave a more permanent mark...

Tattoo now seen on stars from Amy Winehouse, Angelina Jolie and Fearn Cotton, in the case of a singer not a problem but what about the actress, how does she deal with this permanent statement?

Take Angelina Jolie the Beowulf special effects team had the real Angelina Jolie willing to appear in their movie, and they turned her into a rubber doll with a tail instead, just because they could, fine for that role but what about a more normal role, how does she disguise her formidable array of body ink?

The answer to question usually involves old-fashioned movie makeup, the kind so thick neither light nor single-celled organisms may find hope of escape.

Lord forbid that Amy Winehouse were to go ahead and make a movie, now that would be a challenge but, say, Jessica Alba's Sanskrit wrist tattoo, which, I believe, was nowhere to be found in Good Luck Chuck? Or the disappearances of La Jolie's super detailed arm tats for The Good Shepherd? That's pretty typical work, I am told.

"The darker the tattoo, the more difficult it is to cover, say the experts in Hollywood but as a rule two types of makeup are likely to be used by the studio, made by Dermablend or Kryolan. They have so much pigment you can use a very thin amount and it would easily cover even the darkest of ink.

A good makeup artist knows how to blend those formulas on the spot during a shoot to make the cosmetics exactly match the skin, but to give the makeup artists extra time, actors often come in before shooting starts for what's known as a makeup test. The actors get made up and do some test shots to see how things look, and artists can adjust their formulas accordingly.

So, go ahead, Angie, get a full set ink fashion as the makeup people have your back, your front, and your arms. and your legs covered.