Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at Cannes

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at Cannes

Angelina Jolie caused a sensation in Cannes yesterday when she rocked up in a nude coloured gown, slashed to the thigh and promptly stole the fashion limelight from the rest of the actresses on the red carpet.

Her appearance at the Film Festival was one of the most anticipated of the week, as we all wondered how she and Brad would react to the world's media, when pictured together for the first time in a month.

For once it wasn't strictly about the fashion, as all beady eyes were on their public show of unity, following reported walk-outs, blazing rows and Brad's alleged meetings with ex-Jennifer Aniston.

That said, fashion definitely played a part in securing everyone's attention, as her dress was eye-poppingly suggestive and sexy, which just goes to show you that she hasn't lost her touch.

Angelina was sending out a clear message to the world with her beautiful gown- she and Brad are fine and more in love than ever, and just look at how amazing my legs look in this dress!

Ok, maybe not the last part, but she was definitely telling a story with her 'naked' Versace dress and we are expected to accept it, although from all the pics we've seen, her facade did drop a few times with both stars looking a bit lost on the red carpet.

After reports suggesting Angelina is more stressed and thinner than ever, she did try her best to glam it up on the night, but it was evident how much weight she's lost over the past few months.

While she's not in stick thin territory yet, Ange doesn't look her best at the moment and you can tell that just by her appearance- she looks tired, but is clearly trying to hide it.

Despite this, we have to give her some credit for the fabulously on-trend red lipstick and 1940s sex siren hair, which did really impress us on the night.

Not to mention those sexy nude shoes she debuted too, as they were arguably a complete work of art, a lot like Bard himself who looked delightfully gorgeous in his fab tuxedo on the night.

So what do you think- did Ange hit the right style notes on the night, or did her efforts fall short of the mark?

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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