Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller

We're at an odd time of the year at the moment, a make-up crossroads if you like, because on the one hand we're pretty much out of winter, but on the other hand we're not quite in that spring/summer territory.

It's confusing to say the least, especially when you're trying to figure out what make-up you should be wearing for the warmer weather.

For most of us, the start of spring means we can finally dig out the fake tan and start applying, without fear of appearing orange in the hard winter sunlight.

But even then, looking like you've just been the Bahamas for two weeks is not really a good look for early spring, as it looks unnatural and will age you too.

Instead, why not ease your skin into the spring with some 'neo natural' make-up, which will allow you to have a slight golden glow, without looking too fake.

Sienna Miller is the perfect example of how to 'fake it' in spring, as her golden glow looks really natural, despite having quite fair skin.

To get Sienna's glow, start off with choosing the perfect fake tan for your skin, as the darker tans out there will be too unnatural at this time of year.

Give gradual self-tanning moisturisers a go if your a fake tanning virgin, as this allows you to build up your colour over time, or pick a self-tan which has a colour chart on it, so you can pick exactly what shade you want to be.

Next, use a face powder which is a little bit darker than you are normally used to, and instead apply as a blusher. Apply with caution, however as if you are unused to it, you may apply too much.

Finally, go for a lip colour which has a hint of bronze to it and slicks on like a lipstick, but shines like gloss. We love Rimmel's Vinyl bronzing gloss, as it gives a mirror shine effect.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry