After all your over indulgences the past few weeks at those office Christmas parties, we bet you're feeling a tiny bit weak and sluggish, not to mention exhausted at the minute.

Well, don't panic because FemaleFirst is on hand to get you back to your best, with the help of some festive detox plans and helpful hints on feeling great this Christmas.

Over the next week we'll be exploring different ways to detox, from cutting out alcohol, to upping your fruit and veg intake and also cutting back on dairy, caffeine and wheat.

Today we're looking at upping your fruit and veg intake around this cold, yet festive period. Lets face it this one should be easy compared to giving up alcohol and limiting your dairy intake.

With the price of food skyrocketing, just like everything else at the minute, why not head down to your local market at the weekend and pick up some fresh fruit and veg? Not only will you be helping your local farmer, but you'll be saving money and being healthy at the same time.

Eating fruit and veg on their own can be pretty boring, especially if you are very repetitive with what you cook. Instead why not blitz some fruit in a blender and make a fruit smoothie, or if you're brave try a veg smoothie.

It may sound yucky, but putting plenty of greens into your diet will have you feeling tip top in no time. Plus downing a pint of carrot juice will supposedly give you shining hair and healthy nails; who doesn't want them?

Something else you can try is making a tasty and filling soup from lots of freshly cut vegetables, rather than reaching for the takeaway menu after a long day at work.

Having peppers and mushrooms on your pizza does not count towards your five-a-day, so simply chops up some onions, mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and put to boil in a pan. Add some chicken and a stock cube to the mixture and then, if you fancy it add some brown spaghetti pasta to the mix.

It's less bloating than normal pasta, and it gives the soup some substance to it. It will also hopefully be enough to curb your bread craving with the soup, as that is what tomorrow brings...cutting out wheat.