Do you remember sneaking downstairs early to see what Santa may have left you? Or, if you were really naughty like me, sneaking into your parent's room to scope out ...
New research has revealed as many as 83 percent of Brits in relationships currently share a bed with someone who sometimes keeps them awake at night, with the ‘Snorer’ emerging ...
If you keep waking up in the night but don't know why, there could be a multitude of different reasons for your interrupted sleep! Here are seven things you should ...
When planning a winter holiday there can be many things to organise, so getting things done around the house can be the last thing on your mind. However, taking some ...
Flowers have long been associated with romance, but you can order them for any occasion these days.Whether you want to send a thoughtful get well gift to a friend or ...
So as the summer starts, we start to think about how we might shed some layers or how we might become lighter in ourselves so I always find that I'm ...
Repetition may sound boring- who wants to do the same thing over and over again right? With that said, applying repetitive acts can help you to live a more minimalist ...
Now some of you, especially those of you that love minimalism, might be worried about this and might think of it as cluttering up your home, or adding too many ...
If you appreciate a simple, minimal kitchen but aren’t opposed to a bit of decor here and there, here are just a few options to make the most of the ...
With summer's warmer temperatures just around the corner, we can begin to get outdoors and enjoy our gardens a little bit more in the UK. If you are a keen ...
If you want your bedroom to be minimal but still maintain a few key pieces or accents so it’s not hotel roomesque- here are just a few things you probably ...
For those of you who don’t know what Project 333 is- in a nutshell it’s about creating a capsule wardrobe every three months that includes a total of 33 pieces ...
If you are an aspiring minimalist but don’t like the all white, nothing on show aesthetic in your bathroom, there are some things you can introduce into your space that ...
We’ve all been there- we’ve all spent good money on products and tools that promise the earth and deliver nothing. So, if you want your hair routine to be a ...
Many people have chosen to share their minimalism story in YouTube videos, books, blogs and on TV. The likes of The Minimalists, Joshua Becker, Courtney Carver and Matt D’Avella are ...
While the things on your phone might not contribute to the physical clutter you see around you in your home, it can still become a pretty crowded place if you ...
When you first embark on your decluttering journey, you may feel a rush of motivation that makes you want to get rid of everything as fast as you can to ...
If paperwork is a particular problem in your household, there are a few things I have learned along the way in my own minimalism journey that might help you too. ...
Minimalism begins with a desire to respect your space. You can’t respect the place where you rest your head at night if you’re not happy with the amount of stuff ...
Minimalism Room By Room came out in early 2020, so I saved it to my Amazon wishlist and to my delight, I received it for a Christmas present last year. ...
Like any significant life event, journalling can be a useful tool to help you make sense of the things you’re experiencing and to assist you in making a plan. Minimalism ...
If you are an aspiring minimalist and looking to live more simply there are several pitfalls associated with this lifestyle. So, before you begin or if you are at the ...
If you have been stockpiling the things you want to get rid of in your home throughout lockdown, you may be excited at the prospect of being able to donate ...