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HIV News
1 October 2023
Billy Porter has 'survivor's guilt' over living with HIV
Billy Porter has survivors guilt for leading a full life with HIV.
17 September 2019
Debunking five common myths about HIV
In solidarity with Gareth Thomas, we reveal the truth about this disease.
7 November 2016
HIV & Me: 10 Facts about HIV
Philip Baldwin answers commonly asked questions about HIV and shares his story.
15 August 2013
HIV rules modernised to protect the public
HIV rules are being updated to protect the public better, as announced today
14 August 2013
So just how important is ‘the sex talk’?
A lot of pressure is put on this talk, and depending on how ‘smooth’ you are it can be excruciatingly...
25 June 2013
Kate Moss helps to launch exhibition to challenge stigma of those living with HIV
Kate Moss and Denise Lewis are helping to raise awareness and reduce the stigma attached to...
1 December 2012
Belvedere Vodka Support World Aids Day
Belvedere Vodka has launched their limited edition Belvedere (RED) bottle in support of World Aids Day today.
27 November 2012
Cabbages and Condoms: UK’s First Restaurant to Offer Family Planning Advice
Bringing food and sex together is often a messy affair but Cabbages and Condoms is the first...
6 October 2012
British HIV Association reveals patients with HIV infections are going unnoticed by NHS
The NHS are failing to notice patients who may have HIV, according to new research.
14 September 2012
HIV care: New proposals to raise standards
BHIVA (The British HIV Association), the UK’s leading association of HIV care professionals, is seeking views...
29 August 2012
STI special: HIV and AIDS
We're bringing you a series of sexual health specials to raise awareness and help you preserve your sexual...