
19 January 2015

Top 25 excuses for giving up a diet

For many people- dieting is their resolution year after year- but its arguably one of the hardest things to stick to when there is all that Christmas chocolate left over ...
16 January 2015

eBay discovers British reality stars top the fitness DVD charts

eBay UK have today revealed that the fitness DVD charts dominating their auction site are those of British reality stars such as Charlotte Crosby of Geordie Shore fame and the ...
13 January 2015

Make your hearing health a priority in 2015

2015 is now well under way, and already health resolutions all over the country have been broken as people dip into the leftover Christmas chocolates and hit the snooze button ...

12 January 2015

Overweight People Humiliated, Insulted And Ignored On A Regular Basis

New research shows that two fifths of overweight people experience some form of judgement, criticism or humiliation at least once-a-week. People who are overweight are frequently insulted by shop assistants, ...
15 December 2014

90% of Brits want sick colleagues to stay at home

Ninety per cent of Brits would prefer if sick colleagues worked from home or took a sick day rather than coming into the office. The new research from Otrivine® has found ...
2 December 2014

Dental health dangers that lie in our favourite takeaways

As the days get shorter and the cold weather starts to dictate our eating habits, ordering a takeaway becomes a more appealing option than heading out for a meal. With ...
1 December 2014

Banish the festive bloat with these simple tips

The festive season might be the perfect time to indulge, but many of us will regret grazing our way through December, only to find their Christmas jumper is popping at ...
30 November 2014

Sleep success: Important tips and tricks

The popular myth of adults needing 8 hours sleep a night has a lot of logic to it.  With around 1 in 10 people in the UK suffering from insomnia ...
29 November 2014

Don't let colds ruin your workout

Exercise is great for keeping energy levels up during the dark winter days, but with cold and flu germs rife, the sneezes and sniffles can play havoc with your exercise ...
29 November 2014

Is your man looking after his health?

Around 4,000 people end their lives in England each year and 75% of those are men and suicide sadly still remains the most common cause of death in men under the age ...
28 November 2014

Health benefits of dairy are being missed by Brits

Dairy and lactose intolerances are confusing more than a quarter of people in the UK, yet almost 10 million have banished cows’ milk from your diet, losing out on many ...
28 November 2014

Body image fads worryingly become signs of good health

Signs of a healthy body are now being compared to body image fads like the thigh-gap and fight club torso, according to new research. Popularised through celebrity "selfie" culture on ...
28 November 2014

Don’t let texting affect your spinal health

According to recent news, reading and sending text messages can lead to spinal damage, with reports arguing that craning your neck and hunching over your phone can add up to ...
27 November 2014

Little ways you can fight obesity

Forget costly gyms and class - just tweaking how you carry out everyday tasks such as shopping and walking can burn 500 calories a day. This equates to 3,500 calories ...
27 November 2014

The cold yoga workout – Ski-Ram

The first ever cold yoga class was launched this week, taking place in a walk-in fridge – doesn’t sounds particularly inviting but do read on. Crystal Ski Holidays, the ski and ...
26 November 2014

Obesity causes 13,000 cases of female cancer each year

Women are twice as likely than men to develop cancer as a result of obesity, according to a new study. The research, published in The Lancet Oncology, shows that excess body ...
25 November 2014

Short-term counselling could reduce suicide risk by quarter

Talk-therapy could help reduce the risk of suicide by a quarter in those considered a high-risk, a new study has suggested. Researchers from John Hopkins University tracked more than 5,000 ...
24 November 2014

Your body fat: Explained

When it comes to ‘problem areas’ do you ever feel like every month another one rears its ugly head? From stubborn saddle bags to squidgy stomachs, it’s difficult not to ...
23 November 2014

Fast weight loss vs. slow - which is best in the long run?

There are many beliefs held about weight gain and obesity, which despite lack of evidence are still persistent.  How many people know the story of the Hare and the Tortoise ...
22 November 2014

Diet tips to help you slim down before Christmas

Enjoy your indulgence over the festive period by putting effort into beforehand to ensure you look your best in your Christmas party dress. Celebrity Fitness and Nutrition Expert Lucy Wyndham-Read ...
21 November 2014

Unveiling the truth about infertility

With egg freezing and IVF high on the UK news agenda, there is much speculation surrounding the topic of assisted fertility. From lifestyle choices that might thwart the chances of ...
20 November 2014

How to eat right with food awakening

Food Awakening - Nutrition for NOW is an inspirational new book from top nutritional therapist, Julie Silver, which takes a uniquely spiritual approach to eating. The book teaches us to ...
19 November 2014

How men can make the most of their gym session

Today marks International Men’s Day, the annual, global event focused on promoting men’s health and contributions in the community. With over 65% of men in the UK regularly exercising, finding a workout ...
18 November 2014

High blood pressure affects five million – yet we have no idea

Experts have warned that more than five million people are considered ticking time bombs, as they are walking around with high blood pressure, but they have no idea they suffer ...