
24 September 2015

Clue announces new tracking categories to iOS app

-  As a direct response to thousands of user requests and comments from Clue's 2 million active users in 180 countries, Clue chooses to update the app with new features. ...
24 September 2015

British Fathers Are Facing The 'Preg-mancy' Weight Issue

Fitness First's report reveals that 75% of fathers in Britain are admitting to putting on weight during the pregnancy stage and the first year of fatherhood. The results show that ...
19 September 2015

Embarrassing Bodies: Half Of Brits Are Avoiding The Doctors

On behalf of a UK-based medical website MedExpress, a new study has emerged that reveals that more than half of Britons avoid going to the doctors because they are embarrassed ...
18 September 2015

Small Lifestyle Changes Help Prevent Cancer

Exercise and a healthy diet could help prevent cancer, research has shown. Data from the World Cancer Research Fund suggests that about a third of cancer cases in the UK ...
17 September 2015

Sun - Good Or Bad

Public health organisations, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) are being challenged to issue specific recommendations as to how long people should stay out in the sun. These recommendations ...
17 September 2015

A Nation In Need Of Pre-Gym Education

A new study that polled 2000 Brits has revealed that despite 77% of Brits exercising at least once a week. 1 in 5 of them can't name any muscles in ...
16 September 2015

Top exercises for vegans

In terms of scientific research, the jury is out on whether vegans can be said to be fitter than omnivores. However, a number of top athletes have said they feel ...
15 September 2015

Are you a smear test dodger?

-  When a letter arrives in the post, inviting you to your next smear test, it's not uncommon to feel a sense of dread. But shocking new research released today ...

11 September 2015

Dr Adam Friedmann Busts Eczema Myths Ahead Of National Eczema Week

Bad diet, nasty steroids, 'the cure' and staying away from the pool; a top Harley Street dermatologist debunks common myths about one of the nation's most dreaded skin conditions - ...
10 September 2015

Watch Out – TeenVGN Summer Camp Set to Get Bigger and Better

The UK's first ever vegan summer camp for teenagers is organised by TeenVGN, who have just have announced that future camps will be even bigger and better. With this year's ...
10 September 2015

How VegFestUK Helped BBC Star’s Son Go Vegan

Denise Morgan is an up and coming singer/songwriter who has worked with prestigious names including Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews on BBC1's 'The Voice UK'. Denise's other passion is veganism. ...

9 September 2015

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Gum Disease

Gum disease, aka periodontal disease, is one of the biggest threats to our oral health. Gum disease is a set of conditions that affect the supporting structures around your teeth. ...

8 September 2015

Poo Transplant Cures Illness

A poo transplant could cure bowel infections. A study found that implanting faeces from a healthy mouse into a sick animal's bum wiped out the illness. Chair of Microbial Biology and Metagenomics ...

2 September 2015

Cycle to Work Day: Denise van Outen’s top 5 reasons for cycling to work

Denise Van Outen is supporting the 3rd annual Cycle to Work Day event- so she has come up with her top reasons to travel to work via bike. As tens ...
2 September 2015

Live Seven Years Longer by Walking 25 Minutes a Day

Moderate regular exercise can delay the ageing process and halve the risk of heart attack death among those in their fifties and sixties, according to a team at Saarland University ...
1 September 2015

How to deal with workplace odours

The majority of people will have sat next to a whiffy co-worker. Whether the source is smelly feet, stinky breath or a bad case of BO, it seems an odorous ...
1 September 2015

Season’s change: Lady T’s top tips on owning autumn

As the seasons change and summer fades into memory, Lady T aka: author Therese has put together some tops tips to make the transition into autumn whether it's setting goals, ...

1 September 2015

Why should you stop smoking?

While smoking rates have more than halved since 1974, there are still around 10 million adult smokers in the UK and of these, more than 100,000 die from smoking related ...
24 August 2015

One woman's experience of alopecia

I've been blessed with what my nan always used to call 'a good head of hair' and I was always thankful for that - never more so than when I ...

20 August 2015

Happy Feet, Happy Heart

We've all heard the line "A man's heart is through his stomach." And sure, who doesn't't love a great meal, especially when someone cooks it for you! However, being ...
20 August 2015

Dentists top tips for a youthful smile

If you break the bank on anti-ageing lotions and potions, hair products and make-up you should be aware that it's your teeth which may actually reveal your true age. UltraDEX ...
18 August 2015

Kick Cellulite to the Curb Naturally, with Top Tips from Expert Nutritional Therapist Jacqueline New

Cellulite plagues a staggering 85% of women in the UK, leaving many feeling self-conscious about exposing their bodies and often feeling lost as to how to rid themselves of these ...
18 August 2015

Banish your hangover the natural way

With summer and the holiday season in full swing, many are often left feeling worse for wear and fighting the effects of late night alcohol. Luckily, Real Health Wholefood's Consultant ...

18 August 2015

Summer Workouts? Don’t Sweat It…

With summer finally upon us and the hours spent in the gym and pounding the pavements starting to pay off, it's time to start thinking about how you can keep ...