
24 April 2017

The benefits of drinking water by Faya Nilsson

Fitness on Toast's Faya Nilsson tells us why we should be reaching for the clear stuff before anything else.  Water is one of the healthiest and guilt-free ways to hydrate ...
21 April 2017

The effects of plant-based foods on teeth

In an increasingly health-conscious society, where more and more of us are choosing leafy alternatives for the sake of our bodies, you may be forgiven for readily green-lighting a lifestyle ...
19 April 2017

Seven things you should know about the FODMAP Diet

There is good research to link FODMAP foods and digestive symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, wind, diarrhoea and constipation commonly experienced by those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).1  IBS is ...

17 April 2017

'No magazine will tell me that I can’t wear a bikini over 50 because I can!'

Denise Welch is the ambassador for LighterLife Fast, so we caught up with her to talk about how she’s managed to keep off the two stone she lost a whopping ...
12 April 2017

Osteoarthritis myths and misconceptions busted

MYTH: Movement has been proven to be beneficial for people with osteoarthritis and is recommended by health care professionals. [1] Getting joints moving, strengthening the muscles and improving fitness can lessen ...

11 April 2017

Why Women Love Femtech In 2017

Tech is transforming every aspect of modern life for women, from wearable tech to fertility trackers so we look at why women are becoming more reliant on this over traditional ...

10 April 2017

Louise Redknapp Reveals How She Maintains A Positive Mind-Set

Louise Redknapp and Actimel are reminding us all of the importance of a positive mental attitude. Even when the weather is poor or you are feeling blue for no reason- ...
5 April 2017

Bounce Yourself Beautiful With 2017's Biggest Fitness Trend- Trampolining

FORGET the health kick, 2017 is all about the health bounce! With celebrity fans like Olly Murs, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and Victoria Beckham – tramplolining is a fitness trend that ...

5 April 2017

8 Reasons Why It's Important To Get A Good Night's Sleep

The link between tiredness and low mood is long established, hence the phrase....'getting out of bed the wrong side!'.  "Scientific research demonstrates that tiredness inhibits the prefrontal cortex, the modern ...
5 April 2017

How To: Feel Super With Frankie Bridge

Frankie Bridge is once again supporting the #FeelSuper Campaign, which is continuing to raise funds for Marie Curie with donating P&G products bought at Superdrug. From the 5th April to ...
31 March 2017

Five super slimmers share their secrets to keeping the weight OFF

Who better to learn from than those people who have lost weight and most importantly- kept it off. Here are five women who have done just that and today, they ...
28 March 2017

What does the word diet mean to you?

There will be a whole host of differing responses but, amongst those will usually be weight loss, rapid weight loss, cutting out food groups, fads, weight regain, overeating, and cravings ...
28 March 2017

10 Reasons to eat more fruit

March sees the launch More Fruit Month, a campaign to encourage the nation to get more fruit into their diets and lead healthier lives. Stunning statistics have emerged from research ...
28 March 2017

How pasta, curries, chocolate and red wine helped me get in the best shape of my life

I eat a wide variety of delicious foods every day including pasta dishes, curries, cheese and chocolate. I also drink red wine most days. Yet I'm in the best shape ...

27 March 2017

How to stop excessive chocolate eating dulling your skin

Resisting chocolate over the Easter Weekend can be hard, but there is a way to combat the negative effects on your skin. Nutritionist Christine Bailey gives her top tips to ...
23 March 2017

Francisca Lost A Jaw Dropping 6 Stone In A Year And A Half- Check Out The New Her!

Francisca Maphosa has lost 6 stone in a year and a half, to go from an overweight size 24 to a trim and toned size 6. She has changed her career ...
20 March 2017

10 Reasons Why Females Over 50 Are More Active Than Those Under 30

Some of the reported differences between the groups may reflect the greater proportion of people who are retired or in part-time employment. Written by Cris Kellett, Physiotherapy Manager of Progress, The Cambridge ...
9 March 2017

6 Ways To Protect Your Kidneys From Damage

The latest figures show that 3 million people in the UK have Kidney Disease yet a huge 1 million of are not aware they have it. Understanding about the condition ...
7 March 2017

10 Tips For Anyone Getting Into Running In Later Life

As a keen runner and running blogger, one of my proudest moments as a daughter was watching my 57 year old mother cross the finish line of her first ever ...
7 March 2017

Five things you didn’t know about the six food exclusion diet

The Six Food Exclusion Diet is recommended for people affected by Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), an immune/antigen-mediated disease whereby food or environmental antigens stimulate a chronic inflammation of the oesophagus. EoE ...

7 March 2017

What you need to know about yeast if you're trying to exclude it

One of the newest diet trends right now is the Yeast Exclusion Diet. Brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast are used frequently in food manufacturing for the production of alcohol and ...
6 March 2017

A fat filled diet can lead to fat loss

The cold, winter months can seem endless and often, all we want to do after a long day is gorge on starchy comfort foods and curl up in front of ...
3 March 2017

Dr Pixie McKenna Gives Us The Lowdown On HPV

A major high street store is pleased to announce that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is being extended to even more Nurse Clinics and selected Pharmacy stores in England, Scotland ...

3 March 2017

Norway Was The Healthiest Country At The Start Of 2017- Here's Why

At the start of the year, a Swedish health app looked at data collected from 300,000 users across nine countries: US, UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Russia, ...