The ZX Spectrum 48k could be relaunched as the ZX Spectrum Next if its developers secure enough funding.

ZX Spectrum Next

ZX Spectrum Next

The ZX Spectrum Next is an updated version of the 1982 home computer and a crowdfunding campaign is set to be launched to raise the funds to bring it to market.

The official website ( teases for the planned console states: "The Spectrum Next is a re-implementation of the original at hardware level, ensuring it runs all the software out there - old and new. And it's also compatible with most expansions made for the ZX Spectrum."

And it boasts to be faster, have more memory, new video modes, plus SD storage and HDMI output.

Developers added: "It takes the Speccy to a whole new level. And it's totally open source, so the community can expand, improve and take it into the future."

It is the latest Spectrum project in the pipeline.

Last year, saw the launch of the initial ZX Spectrum Vega product, a small console that plugged into your TV and gave you access to thousands of old ZX Spectrum games.

Earlier in 2016, Sir Clive Sinclair launched the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega+ handheld console with Retro Computers and Sinclair Research.

The Vega+ - which can still be connected to a TV - will come complete with 1,000 licensed games built-in and users will also be able to download additional games free of charge from the thousands that are available on the web.

Sir Clive reached his goal to raise £100,000 to manufacture the new machine via the Indiegogo Crowdfunding website in just 48 hours when it was launched in February.