Here at FemaleFirst, we are loving Orange unsignedAct with Sony Ericsson. We especially love KlausSaysBuyTheRecord, so we were thrilled to be able to do an interview with the gorgeous John Mills aka KlausSaysBuyTheRecord.
How did you come up with the name Klaus says buy the record?
I came up with it when i was just leaving Secondary school, I grew up playing in bands, and I always wanted to have my own little project under that name, I can't really remember how I came up with it, it was always something I thought was quite fun, but to be honest with you now I've grown up a bit it sounds a bit stupid, I might have to change it.
We think you should keep it!
Oh really, ok then maybe I will!
To anyone who is yet to hear you, how would you describe your sound?
I'd say it's a cross between Beruit and Paul Simons. It's quite folky, quite upbeat music.
How did you get into music?
I've grown up in quite a musical family and then when I went to secondary school, all the people I made friend with played in bands. I think you kind of do what your friends do as well. We all went off to uni as well and I think I was the only person who carried on doing it.
Who are your inspirations?
Paul Simons, Beruit, all different kinds really. I grew up listening to a lot of early punk stuff. Blink 182 as well, but my main inspiration is people like Beruit and Paul Simons.
What made you decide to enter Orange unsignedAct with Sony Ericsson?
It seemed like a really good idea at the time, I entered it a couple of months ago now. It seemed like quite a high profile thing, and I watched the show last year and thought it was a really good atmosphere. I never actually thought it would go anywhere, I never thought I'd get a call back, so it was pretty exciting.
Since you're out of the running, who would you like to win the competition?
I'd like Tommy Riley to win and I'm pretty sure he will win. In fact I'm 110% sure he will win, just because of all the support he's getting online. He's had so much positive feedback, none of the other acts have had as much good feedback as he does.
What has been your favourite gig to date?
We supported Dirty Pretty Things at the London Forum, that's probably the best gig we've done, that was part of The Red Stripe Award.
Is there anyone you like in the charts at the moment?
I have no idea whose even in the charts at the moment!
Ok well we'll tell you some people, Girls Aloud?
Stop there! Who else?
Well there's The Xfactor finalists?
Erm, who else?
Pussycat Dolls?
Oh god I hate that Pussycat Dolls song!Their song makes me want to kill myself!
Kings of Leon?
Yeah they're pretty cool, I like that song they've got out at the moment
Just to ask something a bit different, we have a few questions we ask everyone,
If someone told you you had 9 minutes to live, what would you do in those 9 minutes? Obviously you wouldn't listen to Pussycat Dolls!
No I'd turn off the Pussycat Dolls! I'd whip myself up some kind of quick dessert that I'd enjoy, some kind of chocolate treat. I'd probably listen to one of my favourite songs really loud and dance around in my pants for a bit. I'd probably call up all my friends and invite my girlfriend over, for one last snog and just have a really good time. It depends if she lived in the area though, she might not be able to get round for an hour, so then I'm F***ed!
If you could trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
I'd probably change places with Simon Gavin and change his decision! No probably Tom Hanks because he's brilliant. I love Tom Hanks! He looks like he has a really good life.
Would you rather be an extremely ugly person with a fun personality, or absolutely beautiful but extremely boring?
I'd quite like to try been beautiful for a while.
Every time we interview someone, we ask them what they would like to ask the next person who we interview. So Fang, from Orange
unsignedAct with Sony Ericsson said;
Have u got a dog?If not what dog would it be?
I don't have a dog and if I did it would be a lovely golden retriever!
So now you have to think of a question to ask the next person, who is SleeperCell?
Ok how is the left nipple protector? They invented something that protects your left nipple, so ask them; What was the inspiration for the left nipple protector?
FemaleFirst - Harriet Watson
Read our interview with Judge Simon Gavin here
Read our interview with Fangs here
Read our interview with SleeperCell here
Read our interview with Scarlet Harlots here
Read our interview with Toby Sebastian here