Go: Audio - Charlie Simpson's Celeb Best Mates
Fightstar took over FemaleFirst for the day yesterday, here's what happened when Charlie Simpson got on the phone with his old mate Josh, from Go:Audio.
How are you?
I’m very well thank you.
To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, how would you describe your sound?
I just think we want to have fun, so it’s just fun music that you can dance to.
And if you could put together a Go: Audio festival, which three bands would you have headlining?
Oh man, probably Jimmy Eat World, they’re my favourite band. Then I’d go for something old-skool like Blink 182 because they’ve just got back together and then someone like Green Day.
If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World.
How was the tour you just did?
We’ve don’t three headline tours now and they have all sold out.
And is that the first time you’ve played the electric ballroom?
No, we supported Bowling For Soup there last summer and that was cool. All these venues that we’ve played support at, like Newcastle Academy, we supported Hello Goodbye and Scouting For Girls and when you play there for the first time you think it’s really big, but when you go to headline there it’s just amazing.
What was your favourite gig on the tour?
Probably Dublin [Charlie: ooh, you played Dublin?] yeah, we played at the Academy, we’d never been there before and it was weird to play there and have people turn up when we’ve never played in Dublin before!
Do you have any plans to go abroad?
Not at the moment no, I think we’re working on the UK for the time being.
And finally, tell me about the most terrifying experience of your life…
Luckily I haven’t had any terrifying moments of my life so far!
Keep your eyes open for our more in-depth interview with Josh coming next week!
Tagged in Fightstar