As 'Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness' looks set to return for a second series, a new study reveals that series one was one of lockdown's most uplifting moments. 

Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic

Three has shared its latest news and stats to reveal the top trending and most talked about moments which uplifted the nation during lockdown.

Topping the list for most talked about people and memes that kept us connecting during lockdown are:

  1. Captain Tom Moore – A giant 57 million of us cheered on Captain Tom  
  2. TikTok: Blinding Lights Challenge – Whilst 56 million gave their best shot recreating Frankie and Wayne Bridges’ legendary dance
  3. The Big Lasagne – 44 million of us questioned whether a giant lasagne really was cooking in Wembley Stadium
  4. Connell’s Chain – Whilst 22 million of us swooned over Connell and *that* chain  
  5. Tiger King – 19 million tuned in in disbelief as Joe Exotics unbelievable story was played out on Netflix

In-keeping with this theme, the Female First team share what lifted them up through those very strange times...

Daniel Falconer, Entertainment Editor said:

'The start of lockdown was extremely challenging. I'm very close to my Nan (who I still call Nanny!) and so, to not be able to see her properly and only say the odd hello when I accidentally on purpose walked past her house, waving from the bottom of the drive, was difficult to say the very least.

When restrictions were lifted and we were finally able to open up our bubbles, I couldn't wait to give her a big hug! She's only small when she stands next to me and I think I almost smothered her the first time I got to give her a cuddle!

We're now back to bickering about silly things and doing impressions of David Dickinson when Real Deal comes on ITV. I wouldn't change our relationship for the world.'

Holly Mosley, Features Writer said:

As much as it’s been hard staying away from friends and family, I honestly haven’t had an awful lot to complain about.

The time off work was fun at first before it got boring, but at least it meant I could take it easy while processing some other surprising news this year.

Finding out that I’m pregnant, especially so soon after losing a baby, is really up there with the highlights.

Of course, it makes life more difficult and, frankly, a little more terrifying, but having permission to eat 8 times a day is still a bonus!

Lucy Walton Lange, Editor shares:

‘My parents live far away, so speaking to them every day was one of my only ways to feel close to them. 

We tried and failed at Skype and resorted to phone calls and letters of all things. 

I haven’t written a letter in years but I suddenly I had the time to sit down and put one together. 

I find putting pen to paper makes you think outside the box, so I wrote letters ‘written’ by my two year old daughter and included pictures she had drawn (badly) and tried to put myself in the shoes of a toddler and think about what was important to her. 

It made me laugh to write them and it gave my parents a chuckle to receive something funny to read in the post. 

We would call each other afterwards and have a good giggle about them. 

Resorting to a simpler way of communicating was a real lifeline for all of us.’ 

If you weren't one of the many people who tuned into this show during lockdown, here's a taste of what you can expect...