Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are frustrated that their kids can't be vaccinated against coronavirus.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis
The couple think it's "weird" that the jabs are currently only licensed in the US for those aged over 12 and can't understand why the approval date seemingly keeps getting "pushed" for unknown reasons.
Mila said: "That's what we were talking about. Yeah, it is [weird], because every day you're like, 'I hear it's going to be approved by X date,' and then it gets pushed and it gets pushed, and you hope that it's getting pushed for the right reasons and not just because someone wants to put their name on it."
Ashton added to People magazine: "And who wants to be the parents that give their kid COVID and then gets their kid's school shut down and keeps kids from being educated because they didn't get vaccinated because the kid couldn't get vaccinated.
"Even if you are vaccinated you still can get COVID and give it to your kid, and they can still get very sick and get the entire school shut down. Who wants to be that person? Nobody."
The 'Two and a Half Men' actor found the early days of the pandemic a "scary" time but he and the 'Bad Moms' actress enjoyed a lot of quality time with their kids and made sure they were open to discussing the health crisis.
He said: "We actually kind of tried to just celebrate the fact that our kids are young and they still want to hang out with us and we got to be with them all day.
"I think the whole thing was scary, but we talked about it a lot.
"Our kids are still pretty young and our son is going to be five and he's probably known more of life in a mask than not in a mask. So for him and our daughter as well, it's just a lesson in resilience.
"For all of us, I think it's a wake-up call for how fragile we are as humans."
Tagged in Ashton Kutcher Mila Kunis