King Charles made an unprecedented speech in Welsh at the Senedd on Friday (16.09.22).

King Charles addressed the Senedd in Welsh

King Charles addressed the Senedd in Welsh

The 73-year-old monarch and his wife, Queen Consort Camilla, attended the Welsh Parliament to hear a motion of condolence from MPs and afterwards, he addressed the assembled politicians for over a minute in the language as he gave "heartfelt thanks" for their words about his late mother, Queen Elizabeth, following her death last week.

Speaking in Welsh and English, he said: "Llywydd, First Minister, Members of the Senedd. Heartfelt thanks.

"I know the Senedd and people of Wales share my sadness.

"I am deeply grateful for the addresses of condolence which so movingly paid tribute to our late sovereign, my beloved mother the Queen."

Charles admitted it had been a "privilege" to serve as Prince of Wales before becoming king and said it was just as big an honour for his eldest son Prince William, who has now been given the title.

He continued: "I take up my new duties with immense gratitude for the privilege of having been able to serve as Prince of Wales.

"That ancient title dating from the time of those great Welsh rulers... I now pass to my son William whose love for this corner of the Earth is made all the greater by the years he himself has spent here."

The king praised his late mother's connections to Wales.

He said: "Through all the years of her reign, the land of Wales could not be closer to my mother's heart.

"I know she took immense pride in your many great achievements, even as she also felt you deeply in great times of sorrow.

"It must surely be counted the greatest achievement to belong to a land that inspired so much devotion.

"I am resolved to honour that same example in the spirit of the words I always try to live my own life - Ich dien - I Serve."

The king had Welsh lessons at Abersytwyth University before his investiture in 1969 and has often delivered passages of speech in the language."