Ghislaine Maxwell has reportedly made 400 prison complaints including one about not having black hair dye.

Ghislaine Maxwell has reportedly made 400 prison complaints including one about not having black hair dye

Ghislaine Maxwell has reportedly made 400 prison complaints including one about not having black hair dye

The disgraced British socialite, 61, is serving 20 years for sex trafficking and grooming underage girls for her late paedophile partner Jeffrey Epstein and is said by an insider to have been moaning from behind bars about everything from her vegan food options to allergenic pillows.

An insider told the Daily Mail: “Maxwell is the prison ‘Karen’. She can file a grievance over anything – she has over 400 of them.

“She complains about the food, the bedding, when they cancel temple because of bad weather or are late setting up her legal calls.

“The latest battle is over hair dye. Maxwell hates her grey showing through and she’s filed a grievance because they don’t sell it anymore.”

Maxwell – who masterminded a global sex trafficking scheme that recruited young girls Epstein would abuse and was sentenced in June 2022 – failed to offer an apology to their victims, and she urged them to instead take out their anger on the authorities who “allowed” her former lover to die in prison.

She has stated the financier, who was found hanged in his cell in New York in 2019 aged 66 while he was awaiting trial for sex trafficking, was murdered behind bars.

Maxwell said in an interview from her jail cell earlier this year she hated the small portions she is served behind bars and lashed out at the standard of vegetarian options on offer, as well as the amount of work she has to do in the day.

She told TalkTV in a pre-recorded interview from her cell shown in January: “The portion control is very odd. And when like me you’re on a no meat diet, you’re supposed to have either houmous or cottage cheese or tofu for you but most of the time, I’d say about 95 per cent, it’s tofu if it’s anything or beans – 95 per cent, it’s beans or otherwise you have a tofu substitute.

“And then the tofu has no seasoning, there’s no seasoning allowed. No salt or pepper or anything. So it’s beyond tasteless.”

She added about the work regime at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, Florida, where she is being held: “So, they wake you up at 6. And you can go to breakfast, which consists of a cereal and fruit, a piece of fruit, generally. “And then you have to make your bed in military style so there is nothing that’s sticking out.

“It has to be a prescribed way otherwise you can get into trouble. You can get what’s called a ‘shot’.

“And then at 7.30am you go to work and for me that means I go to the law library, to help people so if they have detainers or they have warrants, or they are trying to appeal their case or… let’s see, if they are trying to get compassionate release or they ask about the first step back or how credits are applied to their time. That sort of thing and I ask those types of questions.

“And if you are lucky they call Recreation at some point during the day. If you are at work, you miss it and if you are not you get to go out for about an hour.”