Catherine, Princess of Wales, has called on the public to "build a more loving, empathetic, and compassionate society together".

Duchess Catherine implores people to 'invest in humankind'

Duchess Catherine implores people to 'invest in humankind'

The 43-year-old royal - who is returning to her public duties after taking time out for cancer treatment last year - shared her thoughts in a new foreword to The Shaping Us Framework, which is raising awareness of the importance of emotional and social skills to future mental and physical well-being.

She wrote: "At times, it can feel like the world is filled with mistrust and misunderstanding, leaving many people feeling isolated and vulnerable during difficult times.

"The impact of this - poor mental health, addiction and abuse - can be devastating, for individuals and for society.

"If we are to address this properly, if we are to find real, lasting solutions to these deep-rooted challenges and create a physically and mentally healthier society, we must reset, restore, and rebalance. We must invest in humankind.

"That means taking a profound look at ourselves and our own behaviours, emotions and feelings.

"It means getting much better at acting with compassion and empathy towards one another… and better understanding how we can protect and build upon what connects and unites us, so that we can find new ways to strengthen communities.

"And it means acknowledging that society is something we build together, through the actions we take every day."

"...[The Shaping Us Framework] shows that we can all play a vital part in building a more loving, empathetic, and compassionate society, and a world with humanity reconnected.

"At the heart of all of this is the need for us to develop and nurture a set of social and emotional skills which we must prioritise if we are to thrive.”

Vicky Nevin, policy manager at the NSPCC, said: “The early years of life are a time of great opportunity, but they are also a time of great vulnerability. We would like to thank the princess for raising awareness of babies’ social and emotional wellbeing."

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