Carrie Underwood writes songs in the shower.

Carrie Underwood writes in the shower
The 'Before He Cheats' hitmaker sometimes has to take a break while washing her hair because an idea for a new piece of music has struck her, though she insisted inspiration "can happen anywhere, anytime".
She said: "I feel like I think a lot when I'm in the shower -- just 'cause what else are you doing when you're, like, washing your hair? - so I feel like I've had ideas spark [there].
"I have to stop what I'm doing and grab my phone while it's wet and type something out.
"I feel like you get ideas everywhere."
Carrie - who has sons Isaiah, seven, and three-year-old Jacob with husband Mike Fisher - has lost some of her ideas because she didn't write them down the minute inspiration struck.
She added to 'Entertainment Tonight': "I've woken up before and been like, 'Oh my gosh, I need to write that down.'
"Or I've done the opposite, and I've been like, 'I'll remember that,' then I totally don't remember and I'm sad that I didn't wake up in my bed and write it down.
"I've been inspired seeing things that my kids do or say."
Later this year, the 39-year-old star will be embarking on her 'Denim and Rhinestones' tour, but her sons won't be going on the road with her this time because she wants to keep their lives "as normal as possible", though they'll still come to a few of the concerts when they have time off from school.
She said: "My oldest is in school, so I would like to keep their lives as normal as possible.
"I would imagine you'll see 'em on the weekends here and there, but we roll back through Nashville quite a bit, so hopefully they can be a little more settled and Mommy can just come in and out as I need to."
Tagged in Carrie Underwood