Kat's Karma

Kat's Karma

Kat’s Karma is a MFM menage about two men injured during military service who fell for their physical therapist but were turned down because she doesn't date patients. They find the Fantasy Castle option, where people who are chosen as deserving get their fantasies fulfilled. Kat is a little older and could never pick between the two hot and very sweet guys. A luxurious vacation is reward enough but both men? We should all be so lucky!


This is book one of the Fantasy Castle Series, so what can you tell us about the next instalment?


Wendy's Wish is the working title. This book will also be MFM and feature two police officers and a local teacher who spends a lot of time caring for stray animals in their community. Both heroes are flawed but hot. They make a great team and are stronger that way...plus two men is a lot more fun in bed.


The book has been compared to EL James and K Bromberg, so how does this make you feel?


Really? If the story is compelling, that's great!! But it's not bdsm at all and the heroine is not a virgin or... I don't see any EL James comparison genre-wise. As for K. Bromberg, that's flattering as far as the drama/emotional level. Kat's Karma isn't first person but they definitely have past issues to work through. Hopefully people get pulled into the drama/fantasy of the story.


Why are you a lover of unusual things? 


Quirky is just part of me. I don't always fit in. Never, actually. I've had other writers think I'm a sweet/innocent YA writer. LOL! I write menage and MM...so I fool people. And different things just find me. I got a shelter cat who was all white with blue eyes...it turned out to be deaf. So sometimes the unusual things just happen. Recently I selected some promo bags to giveaway that are a bright lime green. You can't miss them. I like the colour...normal stuff is just blah. I could've set my new series at any vacation resort...but a Castle is so much better!


Why do you enjoy writing sinfully erotic romance?


There is something very enjoyable about writing erotic romance when I spent eight years in a private Catholic elementary school. Yep, picture the little skirt, blouse, knee socks and penny loafers :) Rebellion and sinful writings were inevitable!


What is it about New Orleans and Las Vegas that are so appealing to you as settings for your stories?


With New Orleans, it's the history... such rich architecture and all the countries who've owned it over the centuries. The mix of religions and cultures make it a wild option. Vegas, it's Vegas! You can run into someone from anywhere on a vacation. From the ultra-rich, to the average worker...everyone can have a nice stay and find something to do. I don't gamble and always have a blast!


They say that people are rarely good with both numbers and words, so how have you become an all-rounder with your job and writing?

As my dedicated editor will tell you, I'm not great at the grammar rules all the time. I have to let the creative side loose and not care about the rules when I write. I love writing a story but the rules of where to put every comma or whatever...I have to polish it up and hope for the best. The numbers side of my brain is good at editing but it's harder to apply that black and white logic to words. So I have two sides of my brain, creative crazy and reality with logic. But all creative types are a little crazy :D


What is next for you?


I need to finish Wendy's Wish for Fantasy Castle! I've been scattered with nephew visits and other deadlines. The cat lovers will love this book!!



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