Aliens invade London / Credit: Tetley

A selection of official images and stills have been released by Tetley, taken from their upcoming brand new alien invasion advertisement.

As part of a new £1.8million campaign, using Legacy and Softimage XSi technology, Tetley's new ad will premiere on Saturday during ITV's fourth heat of Splash!.

Gaffer and Tina at the tea trolley / Credit: Tetley

London's under attack in the ad, with aliens invading and refusing to talk to officials, and so it comes to the Tetley Tea Folk (their first ad in four years) to arrange and help with talks between the Prime Minister and the 'Krogs', as they try their hand at diplomacy.

The Tea Folk try to diffuse tensions / Credit: Tetley

Gaffer the governer is joined by tea taster Tina and assistant Sydney as they attempt to diffuse the tension between the human and alien races, serving up cups of tea while doing so.

Catch the ad in full this weekend.

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