Marlon (Mark Charnock) and Eli (Joseph Gilgun) make the final preparations for the robbery. Eli steals a car but the tension rises when Jasmine (Jenna-Louise Coleman) asks for a lift to Hotten. After dropping her off they head to the bookies where Eli sets about disabling the security systems. Marlon's horrified when Eli pulls a gun out, so he sends him into the bookies alone. Time passes and Marlon grows more and more anxious and heads into the bookies to get Eli out. He enters just in time to see his gun-toting brother threatening the manager and a customer. Marlon dives for the gun and it goes off, leaving him in a pool of blood. Has Eli finally gone too far?Elsewhere, Kelly's (Adele Silva) boasting about her modelling come back to haunt her as she finds herself showing off equipment at a male-infested DIY store. However, a sea of wolf-whistles get her in the mood and she struts around with a selection of power tools. When the store manager turns sleazy Kelly's shocked and accidentally starts up a hedge trimmer which tears into the set. With things literally crashing down around her, is this a sign for Kelly's future career?Also, Shadrach (Andy Devine) and Sam (James Hooton) steal some goats to sell to Jo (Roxanne Pallett). She foolishly accepts them with minimal questions and asks Paddy (Dominic Brunt) to inspect them. He and Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) share a joke when he discovers that Jo's bought a billy goat, unable to produce milk. With such obvious inexperience in farming, is Jo's milking scheme doomed to fail?

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