Gaby Roslin refuses to write a cookery book.

Gaby Roslin

Gaby Roslin

The 'Lorraine' host is extremely passionate about healthy eating and although she's been studying it for years, she doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of fellow presenters Davina McCall and Fearne Cotton by putting her name and face to a book because she doesn't believe what works for her will work for everyone else.

Speaking to BANG Showbiz, Gaby explained: "I've been studying it for 20 years ... I think what's really worrying is people put themselves out there ... I've been asked a number of times to write a book but I won't write a book because I'm not an authority.

"I've learnt a lot over the years, I've learnt what's right for me personally ... And I've been asked so many times to do stuff but I'm not a Guru."

The 51-year-old presenter - who has 14-year-old daughter Libbi-Jack with ex-husband Colin Peel and nine-year-old Amelie with husband David Osman - also revealed she feels proud that her children enjoy their healthy meals.

She explained: "I've always cooked at home for the kids. I feel so strongly about giving them free range and organic but they love it, they enjoy it, and I think it's because we make the food tasty.

"I love it when we go to restaurants ... I get a huge thrill when the kids say, 'Oh my God, that's so salty'. I think, 'Yes, I've taught them well!' "

But Gaby insists she doesn't stop them from indulging in the occasional treat.

She added: "I don't stop my kids having chips and we have chocolate in the house but they always laugh ... It was my birthday on Sunday and I got made, from clean cakes, an amazing woman called Henrietta, she made me a birthday cake and it was made from courgette and almond and pistachio and avocado and oh my God, it was amazing and my kids just went, 'Mum, you know you can have an unhealthy cake?' And I went, 'Just taste this', and they tasted it and went, 'That's fantastic'."

Gaby Roslin is ambassador for this year's Gut Week 31 August - September 6, part of the Love Your Gut campaign. For further details visit

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