'Coronation Street's Daniel Osbourne could escape jail for attacking his father.

Rob Mallard

Rob Mallard

Viewers were left shocked after it was revealed on Friday's (26.05.17) episode of the ITV soap that Daniel - played by Rob Mallard, 25 - was responsible for pushing Ken Barlow down the stairs but Ken is set to forgive Daniel.

'Coronation Street' producer Kate Oates told the Daily Mirror: "The first two episodes next week are about Ken fearing Daniel, but then he has a breakdown and what Ken sees is a little boy who is completely lost.

"All of Ken's paternal feelings come out.

"That is the only way we could pave the way for forgiveness quite so quickly for Ken and Daniel."

And Daniel is set to undergo anger management classes after attacking his father.

Rob told The Sun: "He feels as though he needs to get himself on the straight and narrow and take part in some anger management.

"So he does get put in touch with someone. He is very troubled. Most of his behaviour comes out of his flaws.

"It leaves a lot of scope for future stories for Daniel. I want viewers to start to get to know Daniel, the man. He isn't unhinged. He still loves being part of a family."

Daniel was left furious with his father after Ken convinced his girlfriend Sinead Tinker to have a secret abortion and Kate admitted he has a lot of "violence and aggression" in him.

She said: "The fact that he's lost Sinead and having her baby was so important to him - his one and only chance of having a family and the idea that she might be scared of him because of this - the violence and aggression in him.

"There is something in Daniel - even hurting himself - there is something wrong with him. The family are very fractured."