Jill, Kelly, Christi, Melissa and Holly / Credit: Lifetime

It's been called a 'brawl' in some media leading up to this season's big episode, but all that really came of last night's airing of Dance Moms in the USA was a lot of finger wagging, some air-biting, a tiny face slap and mediocre hair pull.

After an episode of setting her own students up to fail, Abby Lee Miller screamed at Chloe and Brooke's mother Kelly Hyland after the parent decided she could take no more of Abby's threats and belittling.

Standing up and rushing towards Kelly with her hands flying and fingers wagging, Kelly demanded that she stopped getting so close and proceeded to do some finger wagging of her own.

What followed was a little odd, and as Abby looked more like a piranha as she bit the air where Kelly's finger was just a second before, Kelly felt physically threatened and so issued the dance teacher with the tiniest of slaps to the face, followed by a hair pull.

Holly screamed for the children to get out of the room which pushed Melissa to also take action, Christi looked on in absolute shock and horror, and Jill just seemed a little confused alongside the new 'mom' on the block.

"You are nuts!" spat Abby before leaving the room and screeching that the police must be called - something which has led to an investigation that is still waiting for its conclusion, which should now come sooner rather than later seeing as we can clearly see the whole thing transpired because of instigation from Miss Miller herself. 

Watch the fight transpire below.

Dance Moms continues next Tuesday at 9.8c.

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