Jessica Clemmons - Loving This Day

Jessica Clemmons - Loving This Day

Artist: Jessica Clemmons

Album: Loving This Day

Rating: 4/5

Jessica Clemmons grabbed everyone’s attention when she appeared on American Idol and while she didn’t make it all the way through the show it was obvious that she was a talent that had a huge future ahead of her.

And this week sees her return with her new album Loving This Day, which comes after the successful debut record Permanent.

This is a more mature record for Clemmons and she has developed not only her voice, which is hard to imagine as she was so good before this record, but also her song-writing.

Her fantastic voice is Clemmons’ greatest asset and she really has shown it off in all its glory with this record.

Beautiful is one of the standout tracks on this album as it opens some beautiful strings before the beat really kicks in - and what at the outset sounded like a balled turns into an tempo pop track with real soul.

Simmons has always had a pop/soul and in beautiful that really shines through as this is a track that is packed with emotion as it is a song about self confidence.

And while there is a pop/soul vibe to this track there is also a rock element in the instrumentation that gives this track a bit more of a punch.

More Then Friends was one of the early tracks off the album and this is another great track that is packed with looping hooks as well as an incredibly melody.

This track really shows off Clemmons’ vocal power and range as she belts out some of the higher notes as well as showing the delicacy that she also possesses.

There is a strong beat to this track that gives it a real energy but the piano is the central instrument on this track and it sounds so fantastic against a dancier backing track.

In A Box if one of the most up-tempo tracks on the album that has a bit of an eighties pop feel to it, and it is quite a departure to some of the other tracks on this album.

Loving This Day is the title track of the album and it is one of my personal favourites as it is one of the most emotional tracks on the record.

Once again there are some rock elements to the track as the electric guitar strums away behind Clemmons’ vocals.

The choir also gives this track an extra depth as they have such a rousing presence and they compliment Clemmons’ powerful vocal beautifully.

Loving This Day is an album that has seen Jessica Clemmons experiment with her sound and she has been confident to not go down the same path as her debut record.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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