Chris de Burgh - Home

Chris de Burgh - Home

Artist: Chris de Burgh

Album: Home

Label: Proper Records


Rating: 4/5

Chris de Burgh has enjoyed a career that has spanned nearly forty years but he has never recorded an acoustic album before.

But all that changes this week with the release of his new record Home where he has taken fourteen previously recorded tracks and stripped them all back.

But what is great about this record is he has gone for the obvious tracks such as Lady In Red instead choosing to re-record songs that perhaps aren't as well known.

Waiting For The Hurricane is the opening track on the record and while it may be stripped back it has a great energy to it.

With production at a minimum you really get the chance to listen to de Burgh's story telling through his songs - this track is the perfect example.

Tender Hands and Fatal Hesitation have perhaps even more of a bare feel than the opener as de Burgh's voice is supported by a guitar and piano.

And talking of de Burgh's voice it sounds as good as ever and singing acoustically really does seem to suit him.

De Burgh writes all of his songs this way and you can really hear the passion that he has as he returns to this very simple way of delivering a song.

Love & Time and Sailor are other highlights on the album and it is great to see this slightly lost tracks getting the recognition that they deserve.

Home has a very intimate and personal feel to it and the stories in all of the songs just draw listeners in.

Love & Time is a perfect example of this as he tells a real story of a relationship with this song - the piano also sounds fantastic on this record.

Fans of Chris de Burgh will be delighted with this album as it shows off the singer/songwriter at his best.

Chris de Burgh - Home is out now

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