Nindy Kaur

Nindy Kaur

Nindy Kaur is back with her new single Save the World, the latest track from her new album which is just around the corner.

- How would you describe your new single 'Save The World'?  

I would say upbeat like most of my songs.  This one is a real dance sound but with an electro bhangra edge. The tune is going to make people happy and its definitely going to have crowds on the dance floor.   

- How did the particular collaboration with ‘Culture Shock’ come about?  

 We are really good friends so we regularly hung out but they initiated the idea for a collaboration. 

I’ve always been a fan of their music and when they were showing Manj and I some of their recent stuff, they approached me with the idea of doing a track together and I thought, ‘Why not?’ and the next thing I knew, we were in the studio. 

There was Manj, Baba, Lomaticc, Sunny and I messing around putting this and that together and the next thing you know, ‘Save The World’ was made.  It was great fun.  

 - Culture Shock have produced music for the likes of Lady Gaga, Rhianna and Sean Paul, would you want to work with any of these artists in the future?  

Definitely!  It would become a dream come true to work with such aspiring and naturally gifted talent. 

I especially would like to work with Rihanna. Lately, she’s been bringing out amazing songs, complete smashers every time. 

I find it so inspirational that she just keeps getting better and better, the next album comes out and it has smashed the last!  It would be an honour to work with her.  

- Does this mean you are going more mainstream, especially with this track that is far more mainstream than your traditional stuff?  

I agree that ‘Save The World’ is more mainstream and after the public’s reaction we’ll see where it actually goes. I don’t like to boast outwardly about it, but I’m very Punjabi at heart. 

If it does go mainstream, it’s just a total bonus for me.  I like to stay true to my Punjabi roots!

I’ve never sung an English song as I really enjoy singing in Punjabi, so at the end of the day, no matter what happens whether it goes mainstream or not, I am, always gonna be singing in Punjabi. We have a beautiful language and I like to embrace this.  

 - RDB and yourself have been described as the Indian Black Eyed Peas.  Do you mind the comparison?  

 Of course not, it is a huge compliment. It came about 3 - 4 years back when we were in Mumbai and has stuck ever since. 

They are such talented performers and world renowned artists so it’s an honour to be mirrored to them.  We love the Black Eyed Peas!  

 - What’s next for Nindy?  

My album will be releasing this summer called, NINDYPENDENT which I’m really excited about and will feature a remix version of ‘Save The World’ as well.