Grace of Monaco

Grace of Monaco

Grace of Monaco' has been chosen to open the Cannes Film Festival on May 14.

Olivier Dahan's biopic, which stars Nicole Kidman as the iconic Hollywood actress-turned-princess, is set to make its grand debut on May 14 during the prestigious film festival in the south of France, although it will appear out of the competition.

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed the news amidst rumours the movie might never see the big screen after it was pulled from the official US release schedule on Thursday (23.01.14).

The film's original November release was delayed because it was said not to be ready for viewing, and it was then pushed back to March 14.

Dahan previously admitted he disagreed with Harvey Weinstein over the film's final edit, which was thought to be the reason behind the delay.

He told French newspaper Liberation: "What's complicated at the moment is ensuring that you, the critics, can review my version of the film and not that of somebody else. It's not over yet. I haven't given up."

'Grace of Monaco' is set in the 1960s and concentrates on the princess' identity crises and marriage as her husband, Prince Rainier III, enters into a political dispute with France's Charles De Gaulle.

The Weinstein Co. has slated British comedy 'One Chance' for the March 14 slot instead of the Princess Grace biopic.

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