Eddie Redmayne has been announced as the ambassador for film and education charity Into Film.

Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne

The charity, which is supported by the BFI with Lottery funding, places film at the heart of the educational and personal development of children and young people aged 5-19 across the UK.

Redmayne is no stranger to the charity after launching it twelve months ago at Westminster Academy. And the Oscar winner revealed that he is thrilled to be involved once again.

Speaking about his appointment as Film Ambassador, he said: "I went to the Westminster Academy last year with Into Film and saw firsthand the impact that all aspects film can have on young people - the power to inspire, connect and expand our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

"I absolutely loved the day, it was wonderful to meet so many young, galvanised people who were all keen to find out more about the film making process. I hope through being an ambassador for Into Film I am able to help raise awareness of how film can contribute to their cultural and creative lives."

2015 has been a huge year for Redmayne as he saw his star rocket after taking on the role of Stephen Hawking in biopic Theory of Everything, which was released at the beginning of the year.

His performance was the toast of Hollywood during the awards season, winning the Best Actor Golden Globe, Bafta, Screen Actors Guild Award, and Oscar. It was the first time that Redmayne had been in the Oscar mix. The Theory of Everything also went on to be nominated for Best Picture.

Redmayne could find himself in the Oscar race next year after being tipped as an early Best Actor contender. Redmayne is set to take on the role of Einar Wegener/Lili Elbe - a transgender pioneer - in the film The Danish Girl, which sees him reunite with Les Miserables director Tom Hooper.

Into Film is a UK-wide film and education charity, which puts film at the heart of children and young people's learning and personal development, through access to a wide variety of films and filmmaking projects.

Working with the education sector, film industry and arts and cultural organisations, Into Film is available to every school, college and youth group in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and gives children and young people the chance to experience film and the moving image creatively and critically, as well as learning about the film industry and careers within it.

For further information about Into Film visit: www.IntoFilm.org

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