Adi Shankar

Adi Shankar

It looks like Dredd 2 will not be happening - according to producer Adi Shankar.

The character of Dredd was brought back to the big screen last year with Karl Urban in the title role.

While it is a fantastic and brutal movie it struggled to find an audience on the big screen.

Despite being one of the best action movies of 2012 it bombed and now a sequel is looking very unlikely.

Shankar was doing a question and answer session on Reddit when he was asked if there would be a second movie.

"Probably not. It’s because the movie totally bombed & R-rated movies are a tough sell to begin with.

"If Dredd becomes a cult hit it will be awesome. Last September was a terrible month... Dredd bombed and then Looper became a massive hit a week later!"

Shankar served as producer on Broken City earlier this year and will be back with Lone Survivor.

He is set to serve as executive producer on that project which is directed by Peter Berg.

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