Domhnall Gleeson views awards ceremonies as a "great night out".

Domhnall Gleeson

Domhnall Gleeson

Gleeson's latest movie 'The Revenant' is nominated for Best Picture at the upcoming Academy Awards but he never thinks about actually winning anything.

He said: "Very early on in y career, when I was 22, I was in a play that got nominated for a Tony award. There was this huge amount of excitement and I remember thinking, 'This will be a great night out'.

"I didn't win, but I had an amazing time, so that's the way I've tried to approach awards ever since."

Domhnall is also known for playing Bill Weasley in the 'Harry Potter' movies and loved being a part of the franchise.

He told Britain's Marie Claire magazine: "[The scripts were] brilliant. You start reading and it's just pleasure and excitement, there's possibility and potential on every page.

"There are scripts that feel like work and pushing through to the last page is a problem... So when a script like 'The Revenant' comes along, you know about it."

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