Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp admits that he has no idea why his career has lasted so long.

He kicked off his career in the mid eighties and had A Nightmare On Elm Street and Platoon under his belt but it was Edward Scissorhands that shot him to fame.

And over twenty years later Depp is still one of cinema’s biggest draws finding success with Pirates of the Caribbean and Sweeney Todd, both bringing him Oscar nominations.

In an interview with People the actor said: "The whole ride - my whole ride and experience on the ride - since day one has been pretty surreal in this business.

“It defies logic, why I'm still here. I'm still completely shocked that I still get jobs and still am around... I've been very lucky.

"I had no idea where anything was going, but you can't. It's almost impossible to predict anything like that. I had no idea. I had hoped... But I'm luckily still here."

And he is back on the big screen next month as he takes on the role of the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland.

Depp joins Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Michael Sheen and Mia Wasikowska on the cast list.

And the actor is going nowhere with Rango, The Rum Diary and a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie all on the horizon.

Alice In Wonderland is released 5th March.

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