Thirteen-year-old Sam (Robbie Kay) is fighting a losing battle against an aggressive form of cancer, confiding his dreams and fears in a lively video diary.
While mum Amanda (Emilia Fox) and dad Daniel (Ben Chaplin) struggle to comes to terms with what is happening to their son, Sam hangs out with his best friend and fellow leukaemia sufferer Felix (Alex Etel).
Together, they decide on all the things they want to achieve in the time they have left - from riding in an airship to discovering the truth about ghosts.
They also want answers to such questions as, 'Why do children have to die?'
Starring: Emilia Fox, Ben Chaplin, Robbie Kay, Alex Etel, Phyllida Law, Greta Scacchi, Ella Purnell
Ways To Live Forever is released 15th April.