The Rite

The Rite

Anthony Hopkins returns to the big screen this week with his new movie The Rite - which is directed by Mikael Håfström.

The Rite follows skeptical seminary student Michael Kovak (Colin O’Donoghue), who reluctantly attends exorcism school at the Vatican.

While in Rome, he meets an unorthodox priest, Father Lucas (Anthony Hopkins), who introduces him to the darker side of his faith.

So to celebrate the release of the movie we take a look at some of the best exorcism movies to grace the big screen.

The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist is a 1973 American horror film, adapted from the 1971 novel of the same name by William Peter Blatty.

The film is based on the exorcism case of Robbie Mannheim, a teenager who is demonically possessed by a mysterious entity.

The film sees the young girl’s mother desperately seeking the help of two priests in order to save her daughter through the form of an exorcism.

Despite being surrounded in controversy the movie was a massive hit with cinema go-ers and the movie went on gross over $441 million at the global box office.

It was nominated for ten Oscars - including Best Picture and Best Director.

Poltergeist (1982)

In her family's suburban home, ghosts begin communicating with five-year-old Carol Anne through the static on the television screen.

At first the spirits seem to be friendly, but using the television as their portal to enter the house, they kidnap Carol Anne.

As her desperate family tries to rescue the little girl, they are terrorized by the ghosts and their the demonic leader, The Beast.

The movie was directed by Tobe Hooper and produced by Steven Spielberg. Poltergeist was the most successful movie in the franchise and went on to pick up three Oscar nods.

Beetlejuice (1988)

Tim Burton is one of the most visionary filmmakers currently working in Hollywood and comedy horror was one of his early projects.

Adam and Barbara are a normal couple...who happen to be dead. They have given their precious time to decorate the house and make it their own, but unfortunately a family is moving in, and not quietly.

Adam and Barbara try to scare them out, but ends up becoming the main attraction to the money making family. They call upon Beetlejuice to help, but Beetlejuice has more in mind than just helping

With a great cast of Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and Michael Keaton the movie was both a critical and commercial success.

Burton's gothic stamp is all over the movie and it still remains a classic in the exorcism genre  - it's unlike anything else!

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

In an extremely rare decision, the Catholic Church officially recognized the demonic possession of a 19-year-old college freshman.

A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed the exorcism that resulted in the girl's death.

The movie is loosely based on the story of defence lawyer Anneliese Michel who represented a priest who was accused of negligent homicide after performing an exorcism.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose was made on just $19 million and comfortably made it's budget back when  it made in excess of $140 million upon release.

[Rec] 2 (2010)

[REC] 2 picks up 15 minutes from where we left off, taking us back into the quarantined apartment building where a terrifying virus has run rampant, turning the occupants into mindlessly violent, raging beasts.

A heavily armed SWAT team and a mysterious government official are sent in to assess and attempt to neutralize the situation.

What they find inside lies beyond the scope of medical science - a demonic nightmare of biblical proportions more terrifying than they could have possibly imagined.

Above all it must be contained, before it escapes to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting world outside.

The Rite is released 25th February

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