Your menstrual cycle could be to blame for your spending habits

Your menstrual cycle could be to blame for your spending habits

That urge to spend money us women get around a hot pair of heels or cute new dress may not actually be our fault as a study has found that impulse buys and extravagant shopping are apparently more common at a particular stage in the menstrual cycle, the Daily Mail reports.

The study found that in the ten days before periods start, women are much less in control of their spending habits.

Psychologists at Hertfordshire University concluded that a shopping spree could be a way of dealing with the intense emotions associated with pre-menstrual syndrome.

Professor Karen Pine, who conducted the study, said: 'The later women were in their menstrual cycle, the more likely they were to have overspent. Spending was less controlled, more impulsive and more excessive for women in the luteal phase.

'The spending behaviour tends to be a reaction to intense emotions. They are feeling very stressed or depressed and are more likely to go shopping to cheer themselves up and using it to regulate their emotions.'

Make sure you tell your boyfriend about this study next time you hit Topshop! Remember, it's not your fault!