
9 August 2013

Eating a big breakfast could be the answer to weight loss

We’ve largely been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but why exactly is this? Well, new research indicates that eating a big breakfast that’s high in ...
8 August 2013

Relationships are the main cause of weight gain

Relationships and being in love can be pretty much perfect, if you're in love the chances are there's not much else wrong in your life, or so it would seem.  The ...
7 August 2013

The food cravings most likely to ruin a diet

You're doing it, you're eating well and you've resisted temptation. But yet, there are still those few things that your body craves which are bad for you. You know who you ...
6 August 2013

Summer hideaway: Dieters daunted by sunny months

Thanks to the hot summer we've been embracing it means our skin has been on show, but uncomfortable dieters have found that they've been trying their best to avoid showing ...
31 July 2013

Beat the bloat for the perfect summer body

Nothing drains your confidence like feeling bloated, especially when faced with baring all on the beach. But if Dukan, 5:2 and other faddy diets haven’t worked for you have you considered ...
29 July 2013

Mums put health at risk by skipping meals

Putting your family first comes as a natural instinct, but how is it affecting your health? New research has found that mums across the country are skipping meals and missing out ...
25 July 2013

The 7 day body shrinking detox

Kick start your weight loss with a 7 day detox that will get you motivated, feeling fit and energised.  Nutritionist Jacqueline Wilson, shares her guide for the 7 day shrinking detox that ...
23 July 2013

Lose weight fast but sensibly with these tips

With the hot weather we've been recently having it's bound to have kickstarted plenty of diets, who wants extra pounds on show when we're trying to keep cool?  Crash diets however ...
22 July 2013

Tea helps to stabilise blood pressure

Drinking tea can help to stabilise blood pressure according to new research. It's good news for those who enjoy their fare share of it.  Experts say the benefits of tea are ...
20 July 2013

Healthy snack: Pistachios and Beer

It's widely-known that as part of a calorie controlled diet nuts are a healthy choice. They contain protein, 'good' mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. In the ...
19 July 2013

Women weigh 7lbs lighter in the summer

There's another reason to enjoy the summer months - we weigh less during them.  The average woman’s weight fluctuates by 1.6 stones during her lifetime  – but she always looks her ...
16 July 2013

Health benefits of cherries

Cherries are in-season at the moment, so there’s one big reason to ensure you’re eating more of them. And here are some health reasons too. They’ve been used medicinally for thousands ...
14 July 2013

Eating healthy on a budget

Eating healthily needn't be as expensive as everyone thinks, you can produce cheap and delicious meals with a little planning.  TV presenter and winner of celebrity MasterChef, Lisa Faulkner, shares her ...
8 July 2013

Nutrition plays key role in muscle loss

Nutrition plays a key role in sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) according to new research just out. The latest study examined the role of nutrition in loss of muscle mass, with ...
2 July 2013

The need for red meat in the diet

Lean red meat is known to have numerous health benefits, providing key nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.  The Meat Advisory Panel this week want to reaffirm the need for red meat ...
30 June 2013

Healthy eating takes top priority for women

Eating healthy is the top priority for a lot of women, which is acceptable right, considering we're constantly told, we are what we eat? But what's been left to sacrifice ...
29 June 2013

Why teens should eat meat

Between the ages of 13 – 19 our bodies goes through a huge period of growth and development, so it’s vital that teenagers eat the right food and get the right ...
27 June 2013

4lbs could mean the difference between health and heart disease

Being just four pound overweight can increase the risk of suffering a heart attack by almost a fifth, according to new research. The large-scale study found that being overweight does actually ...
27 June 2013

Brits spend a year of their life counting calories

Counting the calories we're eating is definitely a proven method of losing weight, but can we take it too far? According to new research the average person spends 338 days of ...
26 June 2013

Reduce fat from your favourite recipes

Following your favourite chef's recipe may be cause for a health disaster, as a new study revealed that more than three quarted of the 904 analysed contained high levels of ...
23 June 2013

Pre-workout energy snacks

GYM BAG ESSENTIAL: a handful of ultra-nutritious almonds Finding the time, let alone the energy, for a workout can be a struggle, btu it needn't be. Ensure you have enough energy for ...
21 June 2013

The lunch time rut

Inspiring lunches are something to be desired it would seem, as new research reveals that 70% of working women have the same thing for lunch most days.  A study by Wonderful ...
20 June 2013

Calorie counting? Brits don't even know how many they need

Losing weight could be easier for some people - if they knew how many calories are actually in food.  A new study has found that 7 out of 10 people in the ...
19 June 2013

Diet tips for a healthy heart

Whilst a lot of people look to diet tips as a way to lose weight, this is definitely not the case all of the time. Eating the right foods can ...