
17 November 2016

Boost your immune system this winter

Staying healthy this winter is so important as the cold can have a really detrimental effect on your body and immune system. Here are some tips from Dr Edward Gaynor, ...
17 November 2016

Food For Thought: Foods to Help Anxiety

Kale, quinoa and cashews may not sound like comfort foods, but in actual fact they all contain nutrients that can help fight off anxiety. Anxiety condition can cause nervousness, fear ...
8 November 2016

Hydration this winter

HOW TO STAY HYDRATED THIS WINTER As the days are getting shorter and colder it's easy to overlook the importance of staying hydrated during the winter months. In fact, it's ...
8 November 2016

James Crossley: Get Fit at Forty

Health & Fitness Expert and Ex Gladiator James Crossley, says that age should not determine fitness and factors such as work commitments, family life and low energy should not prevent ...
3 November 2016

Take Two Minutes

Days can be tough and have a damaging effect on our mental health. Long hours sat staring at a computer or just slow days bring our mood down and increased ...
2 November 2016

Body Sculpture Tummy Action Rower Review

I think I speak for many women when I say the tummy area can be a huge bugbear whether you've had children or not. For years, I have worn tops ...
2 November 2016

Five healthy steps to eat your way to less stress

Almost half (44%) of us suffer with stress at some point in our lives, and while it is often an inevitable part of modern living, feeling stressed for extended periods ...
1 November 2016

Get your eight hours sleep

There never seem to be enough hours in the day to do all that is expected of us so getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night is sometimes ...
1 November 2016

The examination of eating disorders

In the current western culture, the development of eating disorders is an ever growing occurrence that is generally marked by disturbances in eating behavior.1 It is estimated that ...

31 October 2016

Gear up for the gym

Gyms can be intimidating for anyone who hasn't been in one before or suffers from any kind of social anxiety. They hold a lot of stigma for not being a ...
28 October 2016

Nadia Sawalha says British women shouldn't be living with the silent secret of incontinence

Nadia Sawalha is supporting the global incontinence brand Depend as they launch in the UK. She told us about her passion to get people talking about incontinence more and what tools ...
17 October 2016

The spiritual side to Halloween

Hello readers, I hope you are all well. As you all know we are in the month of october and halloween is upon us. In this months column I have ...
12 October 2016

Making time to exercise

Setting time aside to exercise can be difficult as it seems that the motivation soon disappears when something else crops up or our mood drops. It is important to introduce ...
5 October 2016

Winterproof your sleep ahead of the clocks changing

It's nearly winter, which means saying hello to dark evenings, frosty morning and short days and with autumn already in full swing it's important that we take steps to adapt ...
4 October 2016

Fad Diets

Fad diets have increased in popularity in recent years but according to new research, 27 percent of Brits own up to missing out on social occasions due to following a ...
4 October 2016

Top tips to help battle Eczema Stress

Eczema is a problem which effects many people; Dr. Rob Hicks, who worked with AVEENO, says "Stress can play a major part in eczema, as flare ups are often made ...
20 September 2016

Using Your Time Mindfully

In this era of over achieving, we all crave a sense of balance between our work lives and personal lives. Being omni-present and productive at work, often comes at the ...
8 September 2016

Why I Don’t Recommend Regular HIIT Workouts by Callum Melly

The current HIIT trend is not sustainable and in my professional opinion, should not be completed without a 48-hour rest interval. This is because HIIT is extremely taxing on the ...

7 September 2016

Running More Health Benefits Than You Thought

How Running Benefits Your Health In Ways You Never Even Considered We all know that running is good for the heart, strengthens bones, and weight control. But did you know ...
1 September 2016

Quick Tips To Burn Fat Fast - without spending 25 hours in the gym

Always do your cardio after a resistance workout - carbohydrates are always the chosen source of energy your body burns first whenever you work out. During a resistance workout, you ...

25 August 2016

5 Top Tips For Discussing Joint Pain With Your GP

A recent published study by Imperial College London with Arthritis Research UK and the University of Aberdeen unveiled that nearly 28 million adults in the UK are affected by chronic ...
23 August 2016

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson Supports National Fitness Day

This year National Fitness Day is taking place on Wednesday 7th September, coinciding with the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics. So who is better placed than one of Britain's most ...

17 August 2016

Reduce Stress With Alternative Therapies By Sarah Jones

One of the main reasons people reach out or start using complementary therapies is to reduce stress! Here are a few of my recommendations for alternative therapy including my own ...

16 August 2016

Top 10 Most Common Sporting Injuries

At London Doctors Clinic, our GP's regularly see a wide range of sport-related musculoskeletal injuries, from general wear-and-tear or overuse, such as arthritic joints, to acute injuries like twisted ankles ...