The Smurfs

The Smurfs

Starring: Neil Patrick Harris, Jonathan Winters, Katy Perry, Alan Cumming, Hank Azaria
Director: Raja Gosnell
Rating: 1/5

It's very rarely that a TV show adapts well to the movies so when I saw that The Smurfs were heading for film I was a little bit dubious.

And it appears that my fears have all come true with this Raja Gosnell directed movie as it is just awful!

When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours -- in fact, smack dab in the middle of Central Park.

Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down.

You really know you are watching a stinker when you find yourself fast forwarding through the film so it will finish as soon as possible - and nothing much can be happening in that film if you still understand everything when you press play.

The main problem that I have with this film, apart from it being dull and humourless, is they have taken an eighties favourite and CGI'd it beyond belief - can someone please tell me what is wrong with good old fashioned animation?

The CGI doesn't bring it into the 21st Century it just makes it look rather cheap and nasty as the effects are really not that great.

Unfortunately the story is a bit bland and it is filled with characters that you couldn't give two hoots about - which really does lessen your interest in what is going on.

Evan the presence of Hank Azaria couldn't save this movie - can I just say Neil Patrick Harris' guitar moment seriously cringe-worthy!

Sadly The Smurfs is dull, lifeless, unfunny and I wish I could get the two hours of my life back!

The Smurfs is out now on DVD & Blu-Ray

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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