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THE UNIVERSE is not static,

never will be, never was;

nothing’s automatic,

more a touch of chaos:

atoms, galaxies swirling

and whirling in deep dark space

(such a strange term

for something so empty

so vast). So, one thing clear,

there is no divine right of kings’

no “Natural” order of hierarchy;

we are all the same:

quanta of Energy

bound in particulate matter;

struggling and striving,

to determine what matters

in a strange, exciting and hostile

world; struggling for balance,

a sense of perception,

that it all has a point,

a purpose. Search for the truth,

in whichever form you seek;

but know this; it is for the strong,

not the weak. It is hard

and unforgiving, demands that you face

the reality of being, no prescribed

state of grace; it’s solid and it’s brutal.

It’s right in your face:

nothing is perfect, nothing a disgrace.

Things are that things are.

Don’t whimper and whine.

You show me your imperfections;

I will show you mine. We’re all slightly broken;

in a state of disrepair. Do not despair.

We are constantly evolving, growing

in strength and complexity, becoming more aware

of our place in the world around us,

in time and in space. A consuming awareness

that, solitary or not, we are never alone.

The universe is not static.

Neither are we. There’s nothing automatic.

It’s a matter of choice: breath/don’t breath?

Don’t be fool! We do what we have to,

we survive, we survive!

It’s been said before, I will say it again,

“you are a child of the universe”

made from cosmic energy and matter’

“you have a right to be here”!

As for love, hate, courage and fear?

They are what we make them.

We stumble, fall, and persevere.

grab the handle of the sword of truth:

it cuts both ways. Turn it around, flat:

that’s it. See your reflection in the blade?

Don’t flinch, don’t run away.

Look, and say, “I see you”

Suck it in, stand firm and intone.

“I am what I am; but I have the power to change,

accommodate and assimilate, to transform.

I am energy and matter, potential unbound.”

There is no divine right of kings;

no “Natural” order of hierarchy;

we are all the same: stand tall

stand proud; and call your name!

Les Bush,

10 April 2013

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