The Quiet Game

The Quiet Game

The Quiet Game is different from anything I've written before—written successfully, that is. I've wanted to write a silent hero for years, but the heroes I tried it with always wriggled out of my hands. Then Jareth came along, winked at me, and shushed Rhys. It was love at first sight. It's a fascinating, fun, and unusual experience, coming up with ways to court without saying a word, and I enjoyed it to the last line. Some of the other heroes may start to come around now!


You have upwards of forty tattoos, so can you tell us about any of them?


Each one means something. The coffee cup on my left arm is in honour of my One True Love. The Celtic Knot cat over my heart represents freedom and creativity. The Latin text scrolling across my shoulders is a reminder to never give in to fear. Each one is significant, and was inked before or after a life event.


Why do you yearn for a full body suit of tattoos?


I like the idea of covering the last inch of skin when I'm older and being able to see all those memories when I look in a mirror.


You are teaching yourself to play the pennywhistle, so why this instrument?


Though I'd always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, I'm painfully tone-deaf. The pennywhistle was the cheapest instrument to try on a gamble! I was both surprised and thrilled to discover that with practice and patience (and tolerant neighbours) I was able to make music. I'll never win a Grammy, but I have so much fun playing around.


Can you give us some insight into your previous publications with Total-E-Bound?


I published my first story, "Kingsoak", I think very early in Total-E-Bound's history, and published again this past year with "It Takes Practice", which was submitted as part of a collection call and expanded to a full-length novella. Then, once again with "The Quiet Game". I've enjoyed every experience I've had with Total-E-Bound. Professional, supportive, creative, and just all-around wonderful to work with.


Please give us a review of the book you are currently reading.


I reread the "Lord of the Rings" every year when the weather starts to cool from summer to fall. There's something wonderfully nostalgic about it.  For a lighter and spicier bit of fare, I'm happily working my way through a collection of gay pulp erotica and a collection of essays on gay culture, both of which I was lucky enough to snag at a used bookstore.


Which authors do you feel have had an influence on your work?


I was hugely influenced by certain classics that I read and reread when I was younger, often until the bindings were falling apart—J.R.R. Tolkien, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Grimm Fairy Tales, Alcott, Dickinson—the list goes on. When I discovered erotic fiction, I devoured absolutely everything I could get my hands on. Some things don't change!


You walk around in a haze of story ideas, so what is your process once you get one?


Usually, I'll start with the germ of an idea and shape it into a concept: "Could a romantic lead woo and win his man without saying a word?" If the characters need a little nudge, I extrapolate the kinds of characters I want from the situation I've set up for them. Then I brainstorm scenes, jot down scraps of dialogue, and spiral out from there. In a way, it reminds me of old anatomy classes: putting a set of bones together, then layering on muscle, sinew, and skin. It's not the neatest way to write, but it's better for me than a blinking cursor on a blank page.


What is next for you?


I'm working on a couple of series concepts that I'd love to submit to Total-E-Bound, one focusing on single gay fathers/family men--there's so much possibility there--and one focusing on the ties of brotherhood and affection in a small mountain community. There's a steampunk idea tickling at my muse, too. I absolutely love Total-E-Bound's Focus on Firsts—I discover so many series that I love that way. I'd like to write a serial novel at some point, too.


You can purchase The Quiet Game from Total-E-Bound Publishing


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