Em Woods

Em Woods

Harper’s Discovery is the first full story that I wrote with my writing group, The Story Orgy. Originally published as part of an anthology with another publisher, Harper’s Discovery was always in the back of my mind as a story I wanted to come back to.

One thing I’ve discovered in my research is that there are so many levels of BDSM, from hardcore living the slave lifestyle to enjoying having control taken away when you’re in the bedroom. This story is about one of the mildest forms, in my opinion.

Harper is a bedroom-submissive, but in denial thanks to a long-ago boyfriend. Pitt is what I would call a bulldog. Smaller in stature, but still fierce. He has been waiting for his chance with Harper, and leaps when the opening lands right in front of him.

You began writing in school so please can you tell us about your time on the newspaper.

Ah, the good ol’ days. During high school I wrote for my school newspaper, doing articles on lunch prices and other such important things, lol. It’s where I discovered that I had a preference for fiction over nonfiction.

How much has you’re travelling aided your writing?

Tremendously. I have such a broad range of interaction with so many different types of people (both good and bad) that it constantly feeds my imagination. And I have started a file for places that I have taken pictures of so that I will remember it for this story or that story.

Can you give us some insight into your previous publications with Total-E-Bound.

There are a few. My favorites are Jack’s Way (released in the Saddle Up Anthology and as a single) and A Christmas Carol, which is a revised, erotic romance version of Charles Dickens’s story. Both were challenging and fun to write.

Why did you decide to settle in Michigan?

Well, once I had a year’s worth of college under my belt, I thought I knew everything (lol). With a full tank of gas and my last paycheck, I figured wherever I had to fill up with gas next is where I would find an apartment and a new job. Fortunately my oldest sister lived here in Michigan and talked me into coming north so that at least someone knew where I was. It was a good idea, I think. I moved here, met my husband and now we have great jobs and two beautiful boys.

How do you juggle your time between writing and your children?

I used to not get any sleep! But as they get older, and prefer hanging out with each other rather than me, I can sit at my desk in the “normal” evening hours and get some words down. Thank goodness!

Please can you give us a brief review of the book you are currently reading.

Currently I am kicking myself because I left my copy of Jack Reacher on my desk before I headed out to the campground with my kiddos.

Which authors do you most enjoy reading?

This might sound bad, but I love the young reader books like 29 Clues, The Kane Chronicles, Percy Jackson (do I really need to say Harry Potter or is that a given?), but in the adult world, I love Nora Roberts – the Blood Brothers trilogy is amazing – and Christine Feehan – the Dark series inspires fanaticism. Also, in the Gay Erotic genre, I read Ava March, Stephanie Hecht, Cameron Dane, Josh Lanyon. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my fellow Story Orgiasts Hank Edwards, Lee Brazil and Havan Fellows.

Please tell us about your inspiration behind this story.

As I mentioned before, this is the first full story that I wrote after I got together with a couple of my writerly friends and formed a blogging/writing group. We began writing each Monday with a prompt that we found online – something someone said, a picture, or a prompt from a book, etc. This story came from that. I give my fellow writers, Lee, Hank, Havan, Jade and JR full credit for helping me through that first prompt driven story.

What is next for you?

Ooh, I’m so glad you asked. I am part of an upcoming anthology, Fifties Mixed Tape, with fellow Total-E-Bound authors Lee Brazil, Hank Edwards, Havan Fellows, Angel Martinez and Silvia Violet. Readers submitted to our group a fifties song that they thought might inspire a great story. Mine is Chantilly Lace.

As for a work in progress, I have two. I am working on the second story of my Council of Magick series and I’m hashing out another contemporary story that I think will be exciting.

You can purchase Harper’s Discovery from Total-E-Bound Publishing today!


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