When I was at school no one ever helped me discover who I am - lots of people ask 'what do you want to be when you grow up' but no one helps you to understand who you are and what you are capable of. Your Life Plan uses the idea of the hero or heroine as a way to help you explore your strengths and motives. It gives readers a fun and creative framework called the Hero's Journey, to give them a framework to take action on their goals and dreams.
It's a combination of what I know works as a coach and as a project manager.
Whatever you want to achieve in life, it’s a project and a project needs a plan!
Why do people allow themselves to be swept along in life?
I think it is more a question of having the tools to anchor yourself. Until you know you have choices and what those choices are, it is hard to make a choice! We aren't taught how to navigate our lives or how to play to our strengths, so without this information we often fall into a 'default' of what everyone else seems to be doing or what our parents think is best for us. It's like you have a great new toy or piece of technology to play with but no instruction guide - some of us will be able to use the functions on our I phone faster than others and some will give up and try something else.
The book is like a user’s manual for you as a person.
Please can you tell us a bit about the Life Project.
I set up the life project to design courses and materials that helped fill this gap in education for life. I've worked all over the world, with students in schools, colleges and Universities, with teachers at Teach First and wit Governments, helping them to develop methods for career coaching and life planning skills.
Please tell us about your role as a senior leadership consultant at Blessing White.
We never stop learning. Blessing White helps senior executives in large firms to develop their skill set in coaching, communication, leadership, team work and employee engagement. I design programmes for some of the largest and most successful companies to help their people realise their potential.
Companies are made up of individuals, each with unique needs and skills - so the challenge is to design a programme that works for everyone and helps the business achieve its goals.
How much has your background in stand-up comedy helped you to get to where you are today?
It's made me a great speaker. And taught me a lot about fear! There is little more frightening than 'dying' as a comedian. And once you have survived it you feel like a superhero!
Please can you tell us a bit about one of the real life hero stories in the book.
I'd need to get permission from one of the them to tell you more than is in the book - but let's take Remi - she is someone with huge courage and who has never let anything stand in her way. She was a very successful trader in a finance environment in which there were few women and even less women of colour. She gave it all up after a traumatic life event forced her to consider what she wanted to be her legacy and where her real passion lay.
It's been a rollercoaster adventure ever since!
What is your favourite classic story?
Probably the BFG!
Why is careers advice rubbish?
There is none! It's all about what subject and what university – it’s based on where you are going to go next for the school's data, it would be much better to start with - and who do we have here?
What are your tips for staying confident in any situation?
1. Remember it won't kill you
2. Breathe deeply
3. Remind yourself of your intention - I intend to get this job, I intend to ace this presentation, I intend to help this person heal....
How can you identify your superpower?
Think about what it is that you cannot stop doing. Analysing? Talking?
Exploring? Adventuring? Learning? Start from there - you would do it whether you got paid or not - and you are brilliant at it - that's your superpower.
What is next for you?
I want to get this work out there because I know how powerful it has been for my clients. So I have a plan for a series of free webinars where people can begin to discover themselves and their heroic profile. I will be doing a number of workshops and talks in the coming months as well as articles on the subject - so busy, busy! Then I need to work out what the next book is all about.....