By Suzanne Virdee

Suzanne Virdee

Suzanne Virdee

Journalist/Author: A Teenage Girl's Guide To Being Fabulous, out now on Amazon £7.99

Sadly too many teenage girls feel anything but awesome. When I was writing my book, A Teenage Girl's Guide To Being Fabulous! I was truly horrified to hear many girls say they didn't think they were good at anything.

Low self esteem is rife. Charities report that seven out of ten girls believe they are not good enough or don't match up in some way and only 4 percent of girls and women worldwide think they're beautiful. Teenage years are tricky but there's a lot to celebrate. Here are ten reasons why, if you're a teenage girl, you are awesome!

1.You can dream big dreams and you are young enough to make them happen. Girls here in the UK you are given the same education as boys and the same opportunities. Many girls worldwide don't have this privilege. 2. Technology. It does have its downsides but look at the positives. You can learn on-line, even set up a business, be a blogger, make films, maybe "go viral" with them. The internet is great tool, used wisely, for connecting with employers. 3. New experiences. You have the excitement of finding your own friends outside the family, learning about relationships and finding boyfriends. It's a time to work out what love really means. 4. Choice. The suffragettes and later feminists of the 1960s and 70s fought so many battles for you so you are free to choose any career you want. Don't restrict yourself. Too many girls choose low income careers. Think big. Did you know companies with more women at the top making the big decisions were found to out perform their rivals. 5. "You time". Yes, there might be lots of homework but enjoy the simple pleasures of lying in bed late, experiment with your style, hair and make-up. Spend time to get know yourself and like yourself. 6. You're probably at your healthiest right now. The great news is, it's never been easier to know how to stay that way as you age. 7. Feminism. Whenever sexism rears its ugly head, think of the feminists of yesteryear and speak up to stop it. It worked for them and it will for you too. Be brave. 8. Knowledge is power. Education brings the power for you to get a good job, that brings you independence and freedom. Don't waste it. 9. You are bursting with energy and passion. Put them to good use. Find things to do outside school. New sports and interests. It will broaden your mind, make you sparkle and give you confidence. 10. You have few responsibilities now. No bills to pay, no demanding career, no husband, no children. Now is when you can be a bit selfish and indulge your passions. Enjoy it.

There'll always be dark days in life but remember "sparkle" pushes you forward and fear holds you back. If you don't quite grasp what I mean, all is explained in my new book, A Teenage Girl's Guide To Being Fabulous! It's out now on Amazon, priced £7.99.