
3 November 2023

Immortality is impossible for humans

Humans will never be able to live forever. Experts have spent hundreds of years trying to discover the secret to eternal life but scientists say that there is no chance of ...

3 November 2023

Rats have vivid imaginations

Rats have an imagination. A new study suggests that the rodents' brain activity is triggered in a similar manner to humans by both places and events. The experts combined virtual reality and ...

2 November 2023

Gratitude reduces the risk of a heart attack

Being grateful can reduce your risk of suffering a heart attack. A new study quizzed over 900 people on how much they agreed with the statement, 'I have so much in ...

2 November 2023

COVID-19 pandemic caused sustained brain decline in over-50s

The coronavirus pandemic has had a "lasting impact" on the brain health of people aged 50 or over. Researchers have discovered that cognitive function and working memory in older adults in ...

1 November 2023

High mobile phone usage damages sperm count

Frequent mobile phone usage damages sperm count. Previous research has shown that male sperm count has dropped by half globally over the past 50 years and a team at the University ...

1 November 2023

Cats have nearly 300 facial expressions

Cats have almost 300 facial expressions. A new study has revealed that felines have a far larger repertoire of faces than previously expected and their ability to show their emotions may ...

31 October 2023

Squid ink cocktails trending for Halloween

Pitch-black cocktails containing squid ink are on the menu this Halloween. Google Trends found in September, searches for ‘black drinks’ soared by 138% as hosts prepared for their bashes on the ...

31 October 2023

Getting angry helps get things done

Getting angry can help a person get things done. A new study has found that getting mad boosts performance and productivity in tasks as it is a powerful motivator. The American Psychological ...

31 October 2023

Horror films provide health boost

Horror films are good for your health. Psychologists have suggested that scary movies such as 'The Shining' and 'The Exorcist' are actually beneficial for a person's well-being as they promote both ...

31 October 2023

A shot of whisky makes people dangerous

Just one shot of whisky makes people dangerous. A team of international researchers have found that a single alcoholic drink makes a person more likely to harm humans or animals - ...

31 October 2023

Dogs are able to smell the time

Dogs are able to smell time. A new theory has explained how loyal canines are found waiting by the door as their owner is about to come home because their sense ...
27 October 2023

Female chimps go through the menopause

Female chimpanzees go through the menopause. A new study has discovered signs of major hormonal changes in a group of older wild primates in Uganda. However, the findings have baffled scientists as ...

27 October 2023

Russian woman has 22 children at the age of 26

A woman is a mother to 22 children at the age of 26. Kristina Ozturk, a Russian who lives in neighbouring Georgia, has welcomed 21 of the kids via surrogate and ...

27 October 2023

Bacon sandwiches can prevent dementia

Bacon sandwiches lower the risk of dementia. A new study has revealed that older adults with higher levels of triglyceride fats - found in the breakfast favourite - were 18 per ...

27 October 2023

Walking helps men get erections

Walking is almost as good as Viagra for erectile dysfunction. It has been discovered that regular exercise gives men a similar bedroom boost to taking the little blue pills. A new study ...

26 October 2023

22 minutes of daily exercise cancels out impact of sitting down

22 minutes of exercise per day cancels out the impact of sitting down. Experts have found that those who sit for long periods - such as in a desk job or ...

26 October 2023

Donald Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela in rant at criminal indictments

Donald Trump compared himself to Nelson Mandela as he once again hit out at his criminal indictments. The former US president made a 90-minute address to supporters in New Hampshire and ...
26 October 2023

Smiling makes people more attractive

Smiling makes you more attractive. A new study has found that giving the camera a grin actually makes you appear more alluring to other people. Experts recruited 112 volunteers and presented them ...

24 October 2023

Mice have the potential to live on Mars

Mice could live on Mars. Scientists have found the rodents living in the extremely harsh environment at the summit of volcanoes in the Andes and claim that it is proof that ...

24 October 2023

World's oldest dog Bobi dead at 31

The world's oldest dog ever has died at the age of 31. Record-breaking pooch Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, passed away at his home in Portugal on Saturday (21.10.23). The sad ...

23 October 2023

Pet owners prefer dogs to cats

People care more about their dogs than their cats. A new study has confirmed that pet owners have greater levels of attachment when it comes to canines and they are willing ...

23 October 2023

Daily tea and coffee drinkers are stronger in old age

Tea and coffee drinkers stay stronger in old age. A new study has revealed that consuming the two beverages on a daily basis in midlife is associated with a reduced likelihood ...

20 October 2023

Viagra leaves men with wonky penises

Men who take Viagra have been left with wonky penises. The drug is known for giving men a boost in the bedroom but some horrifying incidents have been associated with the ...

20 October 2023

Good sleep is key to preventing depression

Good sleep is essential to fending off depression. A new study has found that regularly snoozing for less than five hours per night raises the risk of suffering from the blues. Researchers ...