Humans should show more love to rats.

Humans should be kinder to rats

Humans should be kinder to rats

Experts have discovered that the rodents are much more like human beings than previously thought and are able to feel sorry for others that are in pain.

Scientists think that this "powerful empathy" shows that targeting the animals with poison and traps is "cruel" and argue that humans should try and understand them better.

Professor Tobias Linne, who led the study conducted in the Netherlands, said: "Humanity's future is with the rat, a social and empathetic animal. It's time we understood our shadows."

The experts discovered that when a rat sees one of their own in distress, the way its brain reacts "closely resembles" how a human does when they are concerned about others.

Professor Linne also referred to studies that found that people develop a more positive attitude towards the pests if they learn more about their behaviour.