Cold-water swimming eases symptoms of the menopause.

Cold-water swimming provides comfort to menopausal women

Cold-water swimming provides comfort to menopausal women

Researchers say that menopausal women who spend time immersed in cold water experience a range of physical and mental health benefits that reduce symptoms including mood swings and hot flushes.

The University College London (UCL) study examined responses from 1,114 women aged between 16 and 80 who regularly swim in cold water.

785 women in the group were going through the menopause at the time and half said that cold-water swimming greatly reduced their anxiety. More than six in ten (63 per cent) revealed that they swam specifically to address symptoms of the menopause.

A 54-year-old woman who took part in the research said: "Cold-water swimming has had a profound effect on my menopausal symptoms. Exercising in nature, alone or with a group of other women, is healing. The camaraderie, shared stories and laughter are part of the magic."